Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management
Main Description
There is increasing pressure on the forestry industry to adopt sustainable practices, but a lack of knowledge about how to facilitate this, and how to measure sustainability. This book reviews current thinking about scientifically based indicators, and sustainable management of natural forests and plantations. Information is applicable to boreal, temperate and tropical biomes. The contents have been developed from papers presented at a IUFRO conference held in Australia, in order to develop a state-of the art report on this subject.
Main Contents
• Introduction, R J Raison, D W Flinn and A G Brown
• Application of Criteria and Indicators to Support Sustainable Forest Management: Some Key Issues, R J Raison, D W Flinn and A G Brown
• Policy Inflation, Capacity Constraints: A Challenging Environment in which to Define Sustainable Forest Management, S Bass
• Between Voodoo Science and Adaptive Management: The Role and Research Needs for Indicators of Sustainable Forest Management, R Prabhu, H J Ruitenbeek, T J B Boyle and C J P Colfer
• 'Whose Forest is this, Anyway?', C J P Colfer, A Salim, A M Tiani, B Tchikangwa, M A Sardjono and R Prabhu
• Representing the Future: A Framework for Evaluating the Utility of Indicators in the Search for Sustainable Forest Management, S F McCool and G Stankey
• SFM Indicators as Tools in Political and Economic Contexts - Actual and Potential Roles,E Rametsteiner
• Legal Frameworks in C&I Approaches,O Eeronheimo
• Collaborative Action and Technology Transfer as Means of Strengthening the Implementation of National Level Criteria and Indicators, F Castaneda
• Inventory and Forecasting Productive Capacity for Natural Forests, R Penny, C Brack, K von Gadow and G Lund
• Indicators for Sustained Productive Capacity of New Zealand and Australian Plantation Forests, C T Smith, A D Gordon, T W Payn, B Richardson, S H Schoenholtz, M F Skinner, P Snowdon and G G West
• Indicators to Guide Management for Multiple Forest Use, F O Beese and B Ludwig
• Impacts of Environmental Stress on Forest Health: The Need for More Accurate Indicators, J L Innes and D F Karnosky
• Guidelines for the Application of Indicators to Measure and Interpret Change In Soil Properties and Processes in Forests, J Raison and M A Rab
• Catchment And Process Studies In Forest Hydrology: Implications For Indicators Of Sustainable Forest Management, J Roberts
• The Role of Forests In The Global Carbon Cycle, M U F Kirschbaum
• Ecosystem-Level Forest Biodiversity and Sustainability Assessments for Forest Management, B Finegan, W Palacios, N Zamora and D Delgado
• Assessing the Success of Off-Reserve Forest Management in Contributing to Biodiversity Conservation, P J Kanowski, S J Cork, D Lamb and N Dudley
• Spatial Patterns and Fragmentation: Indicators for Conserving Biodiversity in Forest Landscapes, R H Loyn and C McAlpine
• An Approach to Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management at the Sub-National Level in European Forestry, B Roman-Amat, M Hermeline and J-M Michon
• Conclusions, R J Raison, D W Flinn and A G Brown