Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Agriculture
Students, researchers and practitioners in animal science, behaviour and welfare, veterinary medicine and organic research.
Main Description
The rapid growth of organic farming has been amongst the most remarkable changes in global agriculture in recent decades. Initially, more attention was paid to the crop side of organic systems, but that has now changed and there is greater recognition of the need to understand animal health and welfare better.
This book will further the understanding of organic animal husbandry, demonstrating practical solutions and innovative methods, and drawing mainly on research and practical experience with organic farming in Europe.
"This easy to read book is full of interesting suggestions and acts as a stimulus for further considerations. It will be of significant interest first of all to farmers and also to ethologists, veterinarians and to people teaching or working on animal welfare issues."
Nadia Francia & Enrico Alleva, ETH, June 2004
• "For parasitologists working in organic farming and farmers themselves, this book should certainly have a place in their library."
Fred H M Borgsteede, Animal Sciences Group WUR, The Netherlands
• "For veterinarians with a keen interest in organic production and animal health and welfare, the arrival of a dedicated text on the subject is most welcome."
R D Hancock, The Veterinary Record, November 27, 2004
Main Contents
• Organic principles and values - the framework for organic animal husbandry, M Vaarst, S Roderick, V Lund, W Lockeretz and M Hovi
• The role of animals in farming systems: a historical perspective, T Baars, J P Wagenaae, S Padel and W Lockeretz
• The diversity of organic livestock systems in Europe, S Roderick, B Henriksen, R G Trujillo, M Bestman and M Walekenhorst
• Organic livestock standards, S Padel, O Schmid and V Lund
• Animal welfare, ethics and organic farming, H Verhoog, V Lund and H F Alroe
• Understanding animal behaviour and its use in organic animal husbandry, V Lund and D Weary
• Applied ethology - the basis for improved animal welfare in organic farming, S Waiblinger, J Baumgartner, M Kiley-Worthington and K Niebuhr
• Mutilations in organic animal husbandry: dilemmas involving animal welfare, humans, and environmental protection, C Menke, S Waiblinger, M Studnitz and M Bestman
• Assessing animal welfare in organic herds, U Knierim, A Sundrum, T Bennedsgaard, U Roiha and P F Johnsen
• The role of humans in the management of organic herds, M Vaarst, F Wemelsfelder, M Seabrook, X Boivin and A Idel
• Animal health and diseases in organic farming: an overview, S M Thamesborg, S Roderick and A Sundrum
• Promoting health and welfare through planning, M Hovi, D Gray, M Vaarst, A Striezel, M Walkenhorst and S Roderick
• Approaches to the treatment of diseased animals, M Vaarst, A Martini, T W Bennedsgaard and L Hektoen
• Grassland management and parasite control, D Younie, S M Thamesborg, F Ambrosini and S Roderick
• Feeding for health and welfare: The challenge of formulating well-balanced rations in organic livestock production, W Zollitsch, T Kristensen, C Krutzinna, F MacNaeihde and D Younie
• Breeding strategies for organic livestock, J E Pryce, J Conington, P Sorensen, H R C Kelly and L Rydhmer
• Organic animal husbandry: the future challenges, M Vaarst, S Roderick, V Lund, W Lockeretz and M Hovi
• A European Network for Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Agriculture (NAHWOA), M Hovi