Agricultural Biotechnology in International Development
Plant, animal and microbial biotechnology, agricultural economists, policy makers
Main Description
Obtaining world food security and food self-reliance for the developing nations is a complex and difficult task, but with increased research and education, agricultural production in developing countries can be improved. Biotechnology applications, integrated into traditional systems, hold much promise in this respect. Realizing the positive impact of biotechnology will depend upon the ability of developing countries to access and generate technology which is suitable to their needs. However, government policies may not encourage investment in public sector agricultural research and the private sector is often underdeveloped.
This book is the product of a conference, held in California in April 1997, under the auspices of the Agricultural Biotechnology for Sustainable Productivity (ABSP) project. It provides a broad overview of the latest research and applications and policy requirements for biotechnology in developing countries. The issues of food security, capacity building, intellectual property rights, technology transfer, biosafety and the need for private sector enterprise are addressed. This book is essential reading for policy makers, researchers in agricultural biotechnology, economists, and extension workers.
Main Contents
• The Agricultural Biotechnology for Sustainable Productivity Project: a New Model in Collaborative Development, C Ives et al.
Needs and Potential Uses of Agricultural Biotechnology: Perspectives of Developing Countries
• Addressing Agricultural Development in Egypt through Genetic Engineering, M Madkour
• The Release of Transgenic Varieties in Centres of Origin: Effect on Biotechnology Research and Development Priorities in Developing Countries, A Alvarez-Morales
• Current Status of Agricultural Biotechnology Research in Indonesia, A M Fagi and M Herman
• Agricultural Needs in Sub-Saharan Africa: the Role of Biotechnology, C G Ndiritu and J S Wafula
The Application of Biotechnology to Food Security Crops
• Development of Insect-resistant Maize and Its Potential Benefits to Developing Countries, P Robeff
• The Application of Biotechnology to Potato, M Ghislain et al.
• Development of Virus-resistant Sweetpotato, M Hinchee
• The Application of Biotechnology to Rice, G S Khush and D S Brar
The Application of Biotechnology to Non-Traditional Crops
• Current Advances in the Biotechnology of Banana, O Arias
• The Application of Biotechnology to Date Palm, M Aaouine
• The Use of Coat Protein Technology to Develop Virus-resistant Cucurbits, H Quemada
• The Biotechnology of Oil Palm, S-C Cheah
Issues Surrounding the Development, Transfer, Adaptation, and Utilization of Agricultural Biotechnology for Emerging Nations
• Making a Difference: Considering Beneficiaries and Sustainability while Undertaking Research in Biotechnology, J I Cohen
• Rice Biotechnology Capacity Building in Asia, G H Toenniessen
• International Biosafety Regulations: Benefits and Costs, R J Frederick
• Cassava Biotechnology Research: Beyond the Toolbox, A M Thro
• Fundaciσn Perϊ: a Path to Capacity Building, F Cillσniz
Developing and Accessing Agricultural Biotechnologies: International, US and Developing Country Issues, Perspectives and Experiences
• Transferring Agricultural Biotechnology: US Public/Private Sector Perspectives, F H Erbisch
• International Intellectual Property and Genetic Resource Issues Affecting Agricultural Biotechnology, J H Barton
• Developing Capacity and Accessing Biotechnology Research and Development (R&D) for Sustainable Agriculture and Industrial Development in Zimbabwe, J M Gopo
• The Technology Transfer System in Thailand, L Tanasugarn
• Trade in Conventional and Biotechnology Agricultural Products, Q B Kubicek
Can Developing Countries Turn Biotech into Business? Moving Research Results into Products
• Wild Biodiversity: the Last Frontier?, N Mateo
• Developing an Agricultural Biotechnology Business: Perspective from the Front Lines, P G Marrone