Compendium of Turfgrass Diseases, Third Edition
The Compendium of Turfgrass Diseases, Third Edition is devoted entirely to the diagnosis and control of approximately 80 diseases affecting grasses maintained for fine turfs on residential and commercial lawns, sod farms, golf courses, sports fields, bowling greens, cemeteries, and other areas. Since it was first published in 1983, more than 45,000 copies of the Compendium of Turfgrass Diseases have been distributed all across the world. With information provided and reviewed by more than 40 plant pathologists and turf specialists, this book will help you identify problems quickly and accurately before they become unmanageable and costly to control. When a disease symptom occurs, infected areas of the turfgrass can be matched to one of the illustrations in the book and the accompanying text will provide more about the symptoms, causes, cycles and control of the disease identified.
The compendium is divided into four sections. The first section describes the characteristics of turfgrasses, while the second section discusses damage caused by noninfectious agents in the turfgrass ecosystem. The third section explores ecology and taxonomy of fungi pathogenic to turfgrasses. In the last section easy-to-understand diagnostic procedures are covered. References to technical literature and coverage of the most recent advances in turfgrass pathology will ensure access to the most current disease data and information available.
The text is complemented by numerous illustrations of turfgrass diseases, photomicrographs of many pathogens, diagrams of disease cycles, a glossary of terms, and an index. In addition, dichotomous keys for selected grasses and pathogens will help you identify grasses and pathogens to species, as well as identifying turfgrass diseases by environmental parameters, symptoms, and signs.
The Compendium of Turfgrass Diseases, Third Edition serves as a general and practical reference for all those involved in the culture of fine turf. With detailed coverage of pathogen biology, it is an ideal teaching aid for integrated pest management, turfgrass pathology, and turfgrass management programs, including extension training programs and specialized short courses for practitioners on the art of turfgrass maintenance. In addition, it will continue to be a valuable resource for professional turfgrass managers, turfgrass management and disease consultants, golf course superintendents and their staffs, agribusiness research and sales representatives, officers in departments of agriculture and regulatory agencies, garden center personnel, state, university and county extension agents and advisory officers, technicians in plant disease diagnostic clinics, sod producers, athletic field managers, lawn care operators, and scientists..
Grasses Managed as Turfs
Turfgrass Genera
Diseases and Their Causal Agents
Infectious Agents
Part I: Noninfectious Diseases
Biotic Agents of Noninfectious Diseases
Black Layer
Insect Pest
Abiotic Agents of Noninfectious Diseases
Chemical Agents
Physical Agents
Mechanical Agents
Part II: Infectious Diseases Caused by Fungi
Fungal Diseases of Foliage
Ascochyta Leaf Blight
Brown Stripe
Cephalosporium Stripe
Cercospora Leaf Spot
Cladosporium Eyespot
Copper Spot (Zonate Leaf Spot)
Dollar Spot
Gray Leaf Spot
Leaf Blotch (Scald)
Leaf Smuts
Leptosphaerulina Leaf Blight
Mastigosporium Leaf Spot
Phyllosticta Leaf Blight
Physoderma Leaf Spot and Leaf Streak
Pink Patch and Cream Leaf Blight
Powdery Mildew
Pseudoseptoria Leaf Spot
Ramularia Leaf Spot
Red Thread
Septoria Leaf Spot and Stagonospora Leaf Spot
Snow Molds
Coprinus Snow Mold
Microdochium Patch
Snow Scald
Typhula Blight
Spermospora Leaf Spot
Tar Spot
Yellow Tuft (Downy Mildew)
Fungal Diseases of Foliage and/or Roots
Bipolaris and Exserohilum Diseases
Curvularia Diseases
Drechslera and Marielliottia Diseases
Fusarium Diseases
Nigrospora Blight
Pythium Diseases
Rhizoctonia Diseases
Seedling Diseases
Southern Blight
Fungal Diseases of Roots
Dead Spot
Necrotic Ring Spot
Root Decline of Warm-Season Turfgrasses
Spring Dead Spot
Summer Patch
Take-All Patch
Part III: Diseases and Disorders Caused by Other Pathogens and Biotic Agents
Bacterial Diseases
Endophytic Fungi
Fairy Rings
Mollicute Diseases
Superficial Fairy Ring
Yellow Ring
White Blight
Diseases Caused by Plant-Parasitic Nematodes
Primitive Root-Infecting Fungus-Like Organisms
Rapid Blight
Slime Molds
Viral Diseases
Part IV: Ecology and Taxonomy of Pathogenic Fungi
Obligate Parasites
Facultative Saprophytes
Facultative Parasites
Obligate Saprophytes
Pathogens and Their Environment
Pathogen Successions and Disease Complexes
Taxonomy of Fungi and Fungus-Like Organisms
Part V: Disease Control Strategy
Seedbed and Seed, Sprig, or Sod Sanitation
Disease-Resistant Species and Cultivars
Management of Turfgrass Climate and Culture
Chemical Control
Nontarget Effects of Pesticides
Biological Control
Part VI: Disease Diagnosis
Diagnostic Procedures
Guide to Diseases and Disease Groups