Compendium of Bean Diseases, Second Edition
This compendium is a very good source of scientific and practical information on diseases of beans. The way it is organized makes the compendium easy to consult, even by non-specialists, and very useful for disease diagnosis and to provide immediate information on the causal organism and its life cycle and epidemiology. Thus, it will be of great use for all scientists, students and agriculturalists interested in the study and cultivation of beans.
-- Nematologia Mediterranea
"The second edition of the Compendium of Bean Diseases provides a much appreciated update and expansion after 14 years with the aim of providing an international overview over biotic and abiotic diseases of Phaseolus beans the international scope of the compendium is of great importance.
-- European Journal of Plant Pathology
very informative and excellently written and illustrated compendium�this book will be of great interest to bean growers, plant protection specialists, diagnostic clinicians and all others interested in recognition or management of bean plants diseases.
-- The Journal of Plant Protection Research
This volume is an extremely useful, authoritative account of problems that afflict the production of the common bean.
-- Inoculum
nearly 200 graphic images are now distributed all through the volume placing them in proximity to referring text for increased reader convenience well organized and comprehensive will be a useful information source for a diversity of occupations grappling with the implications of bean diseases.
-- IPMnet News
A multitude of described bean diseases and team of authors and reviewers determine its international usefulness�useful in the field but also in the laboratory
-- Acta Physiologiae Plantarum
The Compendium of Bean Diseases, Second Edition is the first book in the Compendium of Plant Disease Series to be published in full color throughout. The 183 color images are now located in their corresponding disease review section for ease of use and diagnosis. The second edition has been thoroughly updated and expanded to provide the most current and relevant information available. With 10 new disease reviews, this compendium covers more than 85 diseases affecting beans throughout the world. More than 35% of the images and figures are new. Introductory sections on disease diagnosis and plant health have also been added.
The second edition is a comprehensive, authoritative, and modern account of bean diseases that is international in scope and practical in emphasis. Designed to assist in disease diagnosis and provide recommendations for disease management, this book contains descriptions and illustrations of infectious diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, nematodes, viruses, and phytoplasms and noninfectious diseases caused by abiotic factors, such as moisture stress, pesticides, air pollution, and mineral deficiencies and toxicities. Descriptions of each disease include a general account of its importance and world distribution, symptoms, causal organism or agent, disease cycle and epidemiology, management, and selected references.
Disease management must be both economical and compatible with the environment and production system. Thus, the book presents many disease management recommendations that may be adapted to a wide range of cropping conditions. This information is useful in the field, laboratory, or diagnostic clinic. It will be helpful to plant pathologists, crop production specialists, crop consultants, growers, diagnostic clinicians, regulatory agents, agribusiness representatives, educators, researchers, students, extension specialists, county agents, and others interested in the recognition or management of bean diseases throughout the world.
# Includes diseases and disorders of most bean market classes including: Snap
# Pole or Climbing
# Lima
# Kidney
# Pinto
# Great Northern
# Navy
# Black
# Red
# Pink
# Cranberry
The Bean Plant; Bean Diseases; Bean Pathogens; Bean Disease Management; Bean Diagnostic Guidelines; Bean Crop Health and IPM
Infectious Diseases
Fungal Diseases of Subterranean Parts: Aphanomyces Root and Hypocotyl Rot; Black Root Rot; Fusarium Root Rot; Fusarium Wilt (Yellows); Phymatotrichum Root Rot; Pythium Diseases; Rhizoctonia Root Rot; Southern Blight; Stem Rot
Fungal Diseases of Aerial Parts: Alternaria Leaf and Pod Spot; Angular Leaf Spot; Anthracnose; Ascochyta Leaf Spot; Ashy Stem Blight; Cercospora Leaf Spot and Blotch; Chaetoseptoria Leaf Spot; Diaporthe Pod Blight; Downy Mildew; Entyloma Leaf Smut; Floury Leaf Spot; Gray Leaf Spot; Gray Mold; Phyllosticta Leaf Spot; Pink Pod Rot; Powdery Mildew; Rust; Scab; Soybean Rust; Web Blight; White Leaf Spot; White Mold; Yeast Spot
Diseases Caused by Bacteria: Bacterial Brown Spot; Common Bacterial Blight; Halo Blight; Bacterial Wilt; Wildfire
Diseases Caused by Nematodes: Root-Knot Nematodes; Lesion Nematodes; Reniform Nematode; Soybean Cyst Nematode; Sting Nematode; Other Nematodes
Diseases Caused by Viruses: Alfalfa Mosaic; Angular Mosaic; Bean Calico Mosaic; Bean Common Mosaic; Bean Common Mosaic � Black Root; Bean Dwarf Mosaic; Bean Golden Mosaic; Bean Golden Yellow Mosaic; Bean Mild Mosaic; Bean Necrosis Mosaic; Bean Pod Mottle; Bean Rugose Mosaic; Bean Severe Mosaic; Bean Southern Mosaic; Bean Summer Death; Bean Yellow Dwarf; Bean Yellow Mosaic; Bean Yellow Stipple; Clover Yellow Vein; Cucumber Mosaic; Curly Top; Peanut Mottle; Peanut Stunt; Red Node; Soybean Mosaic; Stipple Streak; Diseases Caused by Phytoplasmas; Long Stem; Machismo; Phyllody; Witches'-Broom
Noninfectious Diseases
Environmental and Genetic Disorders: Air Pollution; Baldheads; Genetic Abnormalities; Green Spot; Hail Injury; Lightning Injury; Moisture Stress; Pesticide Injury; pH; Sunscald; Temperature Stress; Wind and Sand Damage; Mineral Deficiencies & Toxicities; Seed Quality; Hypocotyl Collar Rot; Mechanical Damage; Seed Coat Rupture
Glossary Index