Introduction to Biotechnology 2e
An Agricultural Revolution
INTRODUCTION TO BIOTECHNOLOGY: AN AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION, International Edition offers a thorough introduction to biotechnology and the ways it has revolutionized modern agriculture. This newly updated text provides a solid grounding in core biotechnology concepts, as well as information on cutting-edge science and technology and their applications in real-world agriculture, medicine, and health care. The text's in-depth coverage includes essential topics such as cell functions, genetics, biotechnology applications, and biotech careers, as well as a thoughtful and balanced examination of controversial issues such as genetic engineering, genetically modified organisms, cloning, and potential dangers to humans and the environment. Building on the text's proven strengths, the Second Edition features a stronger emphasis on the science and math of biotechnology, updated content to reflect the latest trends and technology, and new lab exercises to reinforce key concepts and help students master the tools and techniques they will need to succeed in biotech careers.
• This thorough, wide-ranging text provides a detailed historical review of biotechnical development and important milestones in agriculture, giving students a broad perspective to inform their study of modern biotechnology and agribusiness.
• The author draws on his considerable experience in industry and education to present a thoughtful and balanced exploration of both the benefits and controversies surrounding the impact of biotechnology on agriculture and other sciences.
• This richly illustrated, full-color text includes discussion of cutting-edge topics such as stem cell research, genetic research using transgenic animals, and human genome mapping, covering material students will find interesting and relevant today and useful as they move on to college programs or careers in biotechnology.
• Each chapter includes a variety of proven learning tools, including clearly outlined learning objectives to guide reading, activities to apply and extend learning, and varied questions (including true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer/discussion) to evaluate student comprehension.
Table of Contents
1. The Phenomena of Biotechnology.
2. The Historical Development of Biotechnology.
3. The Principles of Scientific Research.
4. Cells: The Foundation of Life.
5. The Principles of Gene Transfer.
6. Producing Genetically Modified Organisms.
7. Animal Cloning.
8. Plant Cloning.
9. Biotechnology in Plant Science.
10. Biotechnology in Animal Reproduction.
11. Biotechnology in Medicine.
12. Biotechnology in the Food Industry.
13. Biotechnology in Ecology.
14. Consumer Concerns about Biotechnology.
15. Ethical Issues and Biotechnology.
16. Careers in Biotechnology.