Preharvest and Postharvest Food Safety: Contemporary Issues and Future Directions
While presenting the latest scientific research on the major pathogens associated with meat, poultry, produce, and other foods, Pre-Harvest and Post-Harvest Food Safety: Contemporary Issues and Future Directions goes beyond other professional reference books by identifying the research needed to assure food safety in the future. The editors and authors not only review the current, cutting-edge literature in each of their areas, but provide insights and forward thinking into the development of new and innovative approaches and research strategies. Scientists and researchers from academia, government, and industry have collaborated to examine the high-priority food safety areas recognized by the federal government: pathogen/host interactions; ecology, distribution and spread of foodborne hazards; antibiotic resistance; verification tests; decontamination and prevention strategies; and risk analysis. A worthy new edition to the IFT Press series of food science and technology titles, Pre-Harvest and Post-Harvest Food Safety describes what we now know in food safety and provides a framework and focus for future research to improve diagnostic capabilities and intervention strategies for enteropathogens.
Table of Contents
The Honorable Elsa A. Murano.
I. Pathogen/Host Interactions.
1. Foodborne Salmonella Infections -
A.J. Baumler.
2. Pathogenic Escherichia coli -
S.D. Waghela.
3. Foodborne EHEC Infections -
V.L. Tesh.
4. Bacterial Hazards in Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce: Sources and Control -
A. Castillo and M.O. Rodriguez-Garcia.
5. Campylobacter Species and Fresh Produce: Outbreaks, Incidence and Biology -
R.E. Mandrell and M. Brandl.
6. Campylobacter and Campylobacteriosis: What We Wish We Knew -
R.L. Ziprin.
7. Global Analysis of the Mycobacterium avium subst. paratuberculosis Genome and Model Systems Exploring Host-Agent Interactions -
Ficht, L.G. Adams, S. Khare, B. O'Shea and A.C. Rice-Ficht.
8. Viruses in Food -
S.M. Goyal
II. Ecology, Distribution and Spread of Foodborne Hazards.
9. Microbial Ecology: Poultry Foodborne Pathogen Distribution -
J.A. Byrd II.
10. Microbial Ecological Principles Underlying Pre-Harvest Intervention Strategies -
T.R. Callaway, R.C. Anderson, T.S. Edrington, K.M. Bischoff, K.J. Genevese, T.L. Poole and D.J. Nisbet.
11. Limiting Avian Gastrointestinal Tract Salmonella Colonization by Cecal Anaerobic Bacteria and a Potential Role for Methanogens -
S.C. Ricke, C.L. Woodward, Y.M. Kwon, L.F. Kubena and D.J. Nisbet.
12. Distribution and Spread of Enteric Pathogens in Swine: Outlook for the Future -
R.B. Harvey and H.M. Scott.
13. Environmental Reservoirs and Transmission of Foodborne Pathogens -
S.E. Dowd, J. Thurston-Enriquez and M. Brashears.
14. Do Animal Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies Pose a Risk for Human Health? -
M.J. Schmerr
III. Antimicrobial Resistance.
15. Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing -
P.F. McDermott, D.G. White, S. Zhao, S. Simjee and R.D. Walker.
16. Antimicrobial Resistance in Food Animals -
K.M. Bischoff, T.L. Poole and R.C. Beier.
17. Antimicrobial Resistance and the Microflora of the Gastrointestinal Tract -
T.L. Poole, K.J. Genovese, R.C. Beier, T.R. Callaway and K.M. Bischoff.
18. Disinfectants (Biocides) Used in Animal Production: Antimicrobial Resistance Considerations -
R.C. Beier, K.M. Bischoff and T.L. Poole.
19. Prevalence of Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria in Retail Foods -
D.G. White, S. Zhao, S. Simjee, J. Meng, R.D. Walker, and P.F. McDermott
IV. Verification Tests.
20. The HACCP System and Importance of Verification Procedures -
J.T. Keeton and K.B. Harris.
21. Are They Vibrios? How Do You Know? -
S.W. Joseph.
22. Molecular Methods for Microbial Detection -
S.D. Pillai.
23. Methods for Differentiation among Bacterial Foodborne Pathogens -
S.L. Foley and R.D. Walker
V. Decontamination and Prevention Strategies.
24. Chemical Methods for Decontamination of Meat and Poultry -
J.T. Keeton and S.M. Eddy.
25. Decontamination Systems -
M.E. Castell-Perez and R.G. Moreira.
26. Control of Listeria monocytogenes in Ready-to-eat Foods -
D.L. Marshall.
27. Bacteriophage: Potential Role in Food Safety -
W.E. Huff, G.R. Huff, N.C. Rath, J.M. Balog and A.M. Donoghue.
28. Food Irradiation -
S.D. Pillai.
29. Clay-Based Interventions for the Control of Chemical and Microbial Hazards in Food and Water -
H.J. Huebner, P. Herrera and T.D. Phillips
VI. Risk Analysis.
30. Food Safety Risk Communication and Consumer Food-Handling Behavior -
W.A. McIntosh31. Addressing Microbial Food Safety Issues Quantitatively: A Risk Assessment Approach -
K.D. Mena, J.B. Rose and C.P. Gerba.
32. How to Manage Risk -- the Way Forward -
E.C.D. Todd
Afterword: Comments on Agricultural Biosecurity -
N.P. Clarke.