Olive Oil and Wine Production in Anatolia During Antiquity
Internatiional Symposium Proceedings, 06-08 November 2008, Mersin, Turkey
Twenty papers presented at an international symposium on olive oil and wine production in Anatolia during antiquity held in Mersin in 2008 are published here. Nine papers are in English and the rest are in Turkish. The papers are color illustrated.
• Durugonul, Serra / Onsoz - Foreword
• Aydinoglu, Umit / Olive Oil Production in Rough Cilicia: Production Installations –Settlement Pattern – Dating
• Iacomi, Veronica / Some Notes on Late-Antique Oil and Wine Production in Rough Cilicia (Isauria) on the Light of Epigraphic Sources: Funerary Inscriptions from Korykos, LR 1 Amphorae Production in Elaiussa Sebaste and the Abydos Tariff
• Askin, Ercan / Antik Cagda Korykos’taki Zeytinyagi ve Sarap Uretimine Yonelik Yapilanmalar ve Bunlarin Yerlesim Duzenlemesi Icerisindeki Yeri
• Tekocak, Mehmet - Adibelli, Huseyin / Tarsus-Saglikli (Bayramli) Koyu Sakizlikli Mevkii Sarap ve Zeytinyagi Islikleri
• Pamir, Hatice / Antiokheia ve Yakin Cevresinde Zeytinyagi Uretimi ve Zeytinyagi Islikleri
• Giorgi, Andrea U. De / Olive Oil Production in the Antiochene From the Early Empire Into Late Antiquity
• Autret, Caroline - Rauh, Nicholas / Roman Amphora Production in Western Rough Cilicia
• Cankardas Senol, Gonca / Amphora Uretim Merkezleri Isiginda Hellenistik Donemde Anadolu’da Sarap Uretiminin Izleri
• Diler, Adnan / Olive Oil and Wine Production of the Halikarnassos Peninsula in Karia
• Held, Winfried - Senol, Ahmet Kaan / “Rhodian Wine” From Karia The Production of “Rhodian Wine” on the Karian Chersonesos in the Hellenistic Period
• Senol, Ahmet Kaan - Walz, Sophia / Oyuklu Tepe - Reconstruction and Context Analysis of a Hellenistic Press Installation in the Survey Territory of Bybassos on the Carian Chersonesos
• Tuna, Numan - Atici, Nadire - Sakarya, Ilham / Burgaz Yerlesimindeki M.O. 4.-3. Yuzyil Zeytinyagi ve Sarap Atolyeleri Uzerine Degerlendirmeler
• Kuban, Zeynep / Karya, Bozburun Yarimadasi, Kiran Golu Kutsal Alani Yuzey Arastirmasi Sirasinda Tespit Edilen Tarimsal Uniteler
• Tirpan, Ahmet A. - Buyukozer, Aytekin / Borukcu 2 Numarali Zeytinyagi Atolyesi
• Sogut Bilal - Gider Zeliha / Belentepe Hellenistik Donem Zeytinyagi Atolyeleri
• Kizil, Abuzer / Keramos’un Kuzeyinde Yapilan Yuzey Arastirmalarinda Tespit Edilen Zeytinyagi Islikleri
• Scardozzi, Giuseppe / Oil and Wine Production in Hierapolis of Phrygia and Its Territory During Roman and Byzantine Age: Documentation From Archaeological Excavations and Surveys
• Baldiran, Asuman / Lykaonia Bolgesi Sarap Islikleri (Beysehir-Seydisehir Civari)
• Koparal, Elif - Iplikci, Ertan - Bakir, Ayla Savas / Klazomenai Olive Oil Plant: Dating, Reconstruction and Contemporary use of it
• Yamac, Inanc / Antakya Mozaikleri Isiginda Dionysos ve Sarap