Genetically Modified Organisms in Agriculture
Economics and Politics
Genetically modified crops have become a topic of great interest among scientists, regulators, consumers, farmers, and politicians. Despite their potential benefits, public hostility toward these crops is causing dramatic changes to import/export policies, food safety regulations, and agricultural practices around the world. Genetically Modified Organisms in Agriculture provides a comprehensive overview of the subject and a balanced look at the costs and benefits of GMO products. Part I reviews the scientific, economic, and political issues relating to the use of agricultural GMOs. Chapters cover specific applications, regulatory concerns, import/export patterns, international trade issues, and a discussion of future trends. Part II offers a unique look at all sides of the GMO controversies, with short chapters contributed by leading individuals with widely different perspectives. Part III presents a more in-depth look at selected issues plus helpful reference materials. This book makes the latest information on GMOs accessible to all interested parties, including students, laypeople, scientists, activists, and professionals working in related fields. * Additional detailed footnotes and references for the academic * International contributions from the US, Europe and India * Covers the perspectives of different groups involved in the controversies: governments, environmental agencies, consumers, industrial agencies and the developing world.
Foreword, L. Neal & L. Hill
Introduction, G. C. Nelson
Trials and Techniques of GMOs, G. C. Nelson
The Economics of Technology Adoption, G. C. Nelson & D. Bullock
GMO Adoption and Private Cost Savings: GR Soybeans and Bt Corn, D. Bullock & E. Nitsi
Simulation of World Market Effects: The 2010 World Market with and without Bt Corn and GR Soybeans, Mark Rosegrant
Cotton GMO Adoption and Private Profitability, J. B. Falck-Zepeda, G. Traxler, & R. G. Nelson
GMO Adoption and Nonmarket Effects, G. C. Nelson & A. De Pinto
The Stakeholders and the Struggle for Public Opinion, Regulatory Control and Market Development, J. Babinard & T. Josling
The Domestic and Regional Regulatory Environment, T. Josling & G. C. Nelson
International Institutions, World Trade Rules, and GMOs, T. Josling
Market Responses to Consumer Demand and Regulatory Change, L. Unnevehr, L. Hill, & C. Cunningham
Looking to the Future, T. Josling & G. C. Nelson
PART II: Perspectives on the Controversies
Farm Perspectives
Biotechnology Crops--A Producer's Perspective, M. Jenner
Genetically Modified Crops and the American Agricultural Producer, G. Goldberg
Government Perspectives
Toward Common Ground: Roles of Markets and Policy, N. Ballenger & M. Bohman
The Economics of Agricultural Biotechnology: Differences and Similarities in the US and the EU, T. Haniotis
Developing Country Perspectives
Modern Agricultural Biotechnology and Developing Country Food Security, P. Pinstrup-Anderson & M. J. Cohen
GMOs: A Miracle?, V. Shiva
Environmental Perspectives
GMOs in Agriculture: An Environmental Perspective, R. Caplan
Genetically Modified Organisms Can Help Save the Planet, D. Avery
Consumer Issues - Food Safety/Labeling
Genetic Engineering: A Technology Ahead of the Science and Public Policy?, D. Kucinich
Food Industry Perspective on Safety and Labeling of Biotechnology, G. Grabowski
GMO Regulations: Food Safety or Trade Barrier?, M. Kane
Genetically Engineered Food: Make Sure It's Safe and Label It, M. Hansen
Life Sciences Industry
Ag Biotech: Our Past and Our Future, R. Krueger
PART III: Special Topics
A Short History of Agricultural Biotechnology, J. Babinard
Plant Genetic Modification Technologies, J. Widholm
Bt Corn and the Monarch Butterfly: Research Update, R. Hellmich & B. Siegfried
Annex V: The Beef Hormone Dispute Between the United States and the EU, T. Josling & D. Roberts
Agricultural Biotech Glossary
GMO Field Trials in Europe