Economic and Social Issues in Agricultural Biotechnology
Students and researchers in the field of biotechnology, agricultural economics and social sciences
Key Features
• Intellectual property rights, and technological exchange
• Public-private issues
• Genetic technologies and methods
• Developing country experiences
• International models
Main Description
There are currently many controversial socioeconomic issues concerned with the development and implementation of agricultural biotechnology. This book presents selected revised and edited papers from the fourth and fifth meetings of the International Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology Research, held in Italy in 2000 and 2001.
• "The book is well produced and will be of value to all those concerned with the application of biotechnology, especially in the developing world."
G Rothschild, Experimental Agriculture, Volume 39 2003
• "The book is a worthy addition to the libraries of those needing to be abreast of issues involving plant biotechnologies, intellectual property rights and their joint impact on developing countries."
Ross Kingwell, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 47(4), 2003
• "It will be obvious to any reader that this book makes contributions on a wide range of relevant and important aspects of the biotechnology revolution that is under way."
Aart van de Laar, The Hague, The Netherlands
Main Contents
• From the Green Revolution to the Gene Revolution, Robert Evenson
Part I. Intellectual Property Rights and Technological Exchange
• Conflicts in Intellectual Property Rights in Genetic Resources: Implications for Agricultural Biotechnology, L J Butler, University of California, USA
• Sui generis Protection of Plant Varieties in Asian Agriculture: a Regional Regime in the Making? H Egelyng, IRRI, Philippines
• Intellectual Property Aspects of Traditional Agricultural Knowledge, M Blakeney, University of London, UK
• Farmers' Rights and Intellectual Property Rights - Reconciling conflicting concepts, D Alker and F Heidhues, University of Hohenheim, Germany
Part II. Public-Private Issues
• Universities, Technology Transfer and Industrial R&D, G Graff, A Heiman, D Zilberman, F Castillo, University of California, USA and D Parker, Hebrew Univeristy, Israel
• Mergers and Intellectual Property in Agricultural Biotechnology, A C Marco, Vassar College, USA and G C Rausser, University of California at Berkeley, USA
• Cost of Conserving Genetic Resources at ex situ Genebanks: An Example of the ICARDA Genebank, B Koo, P G Pardey, International Food Policy Research Institute, USA, J Valkoun, ICARDA, Syria and B D Wright, University of California, USA
Part III. The Role of Methods
• Impact of Terminator Technologies in Developing Countries: A Framework for Economic Analysis, C S Srinivasan, University of Reading, UK and C Thirtle, Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, UK
• The Impact of Genetic Use Restriction Technologies on Developing Countries: a Forecast, T Goeschl , University of Cambridge, UK and T Swanson, University College, UK
• Managing Proprietary Technology in Agricultural Research, J Komen, J I Cohen, ISNAR, The Netherlands, C Falconi, InterAmerican Development Bank, USA and S Salazar, IRP Consultant, Costa Rica
• Is Marker-assisted Selection Cost-effective Compared with Conventional Plant Breeding Methods? The Case of Quality Protein Maize, K Dreher, M Morris, M Khairallah, J M Ribaut, S Pandey and G Srinivasan, CIMMYT, Mexico
Part IV. Developing Country Biotechnology Experience
• Can Biotechnology Reach The Poor? The Adequacy Of Information and Seed Delivery, R Tripp, Overseas Development Institute, UK
• Value of Engineered Virus Resistance in Crop Plants and Technology Cooperation with Developing Countries, S Flasinski, Monsanto, USA, V M Aquino, University of the Philippines at Los Banos, Philippines, R A Hautea, ISAAA-SE, Philippines, W K Kaniewski, Monsanto, USA, N D Lam, National Center of Natural Science and Technology, Vietnam, C A Ong, V Pillai, MARDI, Malaysia, and K Romyanon, Kasetsart University, Thailand
• Institutions and Institutional Capacity for Biotechnology - A Case Study of India, V Rhoe, S Shantharam and S Babu, International Food Policy Research Institute, USA
• Social and Economic Impact Ex-Ante Evaluation of Embrapa's Biotechnology Research Products, A F Avila, T R Quirino, E Contini and E L R Filho, SQS, Brazil
• Intellectual Property Protection and the International Marketing of Agricultural Biotechnology: Firm and Host Country Impacts, P Goldsmith, G Ramos, University of Illinois, USA and C Steiger Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires
• Efficiency Effects of bt Cotton Adoption by Smallholders in Makhathini Flats, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Y Ismaλl, University of Reading, UK, L Beyers, C Thirtle, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, UK and J Piesse, Birkbeck College, UK
• Income and Employment Effects of Transgenic Herbicide-resistant Cassava in Colombia: A Preliminary Simulation, D Pachico, Z Escobar, L Rivas, V Gottret, and S Perez, CIAT, Colombia
Part V. International Models
• Estimating the Economic Effects of GMOs: the Importance of Policy Choices and Preferences, K Anderson, University of Adelaide, Australia, C P Nielsen, Danish Institute of Agricultural and Fisheries Economics, Denmark and S Robinson, International Food Policy Research Institute, USA
• Smallholders, Transgenic Varieties and Production Efficiency: The Case of Cotton Farmers in China, J Huang, CAS Institute, China, R Hu, S Rozelle, F Qiao, University of California, USA, and C E Pray, Rutgers University, USA