Agricultural Technologies and Tropical Deforestation
Forestry; tropical agriculture; agricultural, resource and development economics.
Main Description
This book has been developed from a workshop on Technological change in agriculture and tropical deforestation organised by the Center for International Forestry Research and held in Costa Rica in March, 1999. It explores how intensification of agriculture affects tropical deforestation using case studies from different geographical regions, using different agricultural products and technologies and in differing demographic situations and market conditions. Guidance is also given on future agricultural research and extension efforts.
Main Contents
Introduction and overviews
• Introduction: the role of agricultural technologies in tropical deforestation, Arild Angelsen and David Kaimowitz
• Technological change and deforestation: a theoretical overview, Arild Angelsen, Erwin H. Bulte, Tilburg University, Netherlands, David Kaimowitz and Daan van Soest, Tilburg University, Netherlands
Developed countries
• The transition from deforestation to reforestation in Europe, Alexander Mather, Department of Geography, University of Aberdeen, UK
• Did a Green Revolution restore the forests of the American South? Thomas K. Rudel, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA
Latin America
• A general equilibrium analysis of technology, migration, and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, Andrea Cattaneo, IFPRI, Washington DC, USA
• Will intensifying pasture management in Latin America protect forests - or is it the other way around? Douglas White, CIAT Pucallpa, Peru, Federico Holmann, ILRI, Cali, Colombia, Sam Fujisaka, CIAT Pucallpa, Peru, Kenneth Reategui, DEPAM, Pucallpa, Peru and Carlos Lascano, CIAT, Cali, Colombia
• Intensified small-scale livestock systems in the western Brazilian Amazon, Stephen A. Vosti, University of California Davis, USA, Chantal Line Carpentier, CEC Montreal, Canada, Julie Witcover, University of California Davis, USA and Judson F. Valentim, EMBRAPA, Brazil
• Technological change vs. economic policy as tools to control deforestation: the Atlantic zone of Costa Rica, Peter Roebeling and Ruerd Ruben, Wageningen University, Netherlands
• Land use, agricultural technology, and deforestation among settlers in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Francisco Pichon, World Bank, Washington DC, USA, Catherine Marquette, Michelsen Institute in Bergen, Norway, Laura Murphy and Richard Bilsborrow, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA
• Ecuador goes bananas: incremental technological change and forest loss, Sven Wunder, CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia
• Soybean technology and the loss of natural vegetation in Brazil and Bolivia, David Kaimowitz and Joyotee Smith, CIFOR, Indonesia
• Kudzu improved fallows in the Peruvian Amazon, David Yanggen, CIP, Quito, Ecuador and Thomas Reardon, Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA
• Ambiguous effects of policy reforms on sustainable agricultural intensification in Africa, Thomas Reardon, Michigan State University and Christopher B Barrett, Cornell University, USA
• A century of technological change and deforestation in the miombo woodlands of northern Zambia, Stein Holden, Agricultural University of Norway
• Livestock disease control and the changing landscapes of southwest Ethiopia, Robin S. Reid, Philip K. Thornton, and Russell L. Kruska, ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya
• Tree-crops as deforestation and reforestation agents: The case of cocoa in Cτte d’Ivoire and Sulawesi, Franηois Ruf, CIRAD, Cote d’Ivoire
• Agriculture and deforestation in tropical Asia: an analytical framework, Sisira Jayasuriya, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
• Deforestation, irrigation, employment, and cautious optimism in southern Palawan, the Philippines, Gerald Shively, Purdue University, USA and Elmer Martinez, Indiana University, USA
• Agricultural development policies and land expansion in a southern Philippine watershed, Ian Coxhead, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, Gerald Shively, Purdue University, USA and Xiaobing Shuai, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
• The impact of rubber on the forest landscape in Borneo, Wil de Jong, CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia
• Agricultural technology and forests: a recap, Arild Angelsen and David Kaimowitz
• Policy implications, David Kaimowitz and Arild Angelsen