Micronutrient Deficiencies in Global Crop Production
A deficiency of one or more of the eight plant micronutrients (boron, chlorine, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, nickel and zinc) will adversely affect both the yield and quality of crops. Micronutrient deficiencies in crops occur in many parts of the world, at various scales (from one to millions of hectares), but differences in soil conditions, climate, crop genotypes and management, result in marked variations in their occurrence. The causes, effects and alleviation of micronutrient deficiencies in crops in: Australia, India, China, Turkey, the Near East, Africa, Europe, South America and the United States of America, are covered, and these are representative of most of the different conditions under which crops are grown anywhere in the world.
Links between low contents of iodine, iron and zinc (human micronutrients) in staple grains and the incidence of human health problems are discussed, together with the ways in which the micronutrient content of food crops can be increased and their bioavailability to humans improved. Detailed treatment of topics, such as: soil types associated with deficiencies, soil testing and plant analysis, field experiments, innovative treatments, micronutrients in the subsoil, nutrient interactions, effects of changing cropping systems, micronutrient budgets and hidden deficiencies in various chapters provides depth to the broad coverage of the book.
This book provides a valuable guide to the requirements of crops for plant micronutrients and the causes, occurrence and treatment of deficiencies. It is essential reading for many agronomy, plant nutrition and agricultural extension professionals.
Preface; Table of Contents; List of Contributors; List of Figures; List of Tables; List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1. Micronutrients and Crop Production: An Introduction, Brian J. Alloway
Chapter 2. Micronutrient Deficiencies in Crops and Their Global Significance, Robin D. Graham
Chapter 3.Micronutrient Deficiencies in Australian Field Crops, Robert E. Holloway, Robin D. Graham and Samuel P. Stacey
Chapter 4. Micronutrient Deficiencies in Crops and Soils in India, Maha V. Singh
Chapter 5. Micronutrient Deficiencies in Crop Production in China, Chunquin Zou, Xiaopeng Gao, Rongli Shi, Xiaoyun Fan and Fusuo Zhang
Chapter 6. Micronutrient constraints to Crop Production in the Near East: Potential Significance and Management Strategies, Abdul Rashid and John Ryan
Chapter 7. Zinc Deficiency in Wheat in Turkey, Ismail Cakmak
Chapter 8. Micronutrient Deficiencies in Crops in Africa With Emphasis on Southern Africa, Johan H. van der Waals and Michiel C. Laker
Chapter 9. Micronutrient Deficiency Problems in Agricultural Crops in Europe, Alex H. Sinclair and Anthony C. Edwards
Chapter 10. Micronutrient Deficiency Problems in South America, Nand K. Fageria and Luis F. Stone
Chapter 11. Micronutrient Use in Agriculture in the United States of America: Current Practices, Trends and Constraints, Patrick H. Brown
Chapter 12. Linkages Between Trace Elements in Food Crops and Human Health, Ross M. Welch
Appendix I, Appendix II, Appendix III
Subject Index