Lupins as Crop Plants: Biology, Production and Utilization
Main Description
Lupins have until recently remained wild or semi-domesticated species of minor interest to agriculture, although their value as a rotation crop was noted 2,000 years ago. However, with the advent of the science of genetics in the early twentieth century, full domestication of Lupinus species for use as crops was begun, by the combination of favourable genes such as those for low alkaloid content, non-shattering pods and soft seeds. As a result several lupin species have become an important part of temperate farming systems as a high protein crop for both animal and human consumption.
This book gives an authoritative account of the history, distribution and taxonomy of Lupinus species and the current knowledge of all aspects of their agronomy and impact on agriculture, including breeding, genetics and biotechnology, nutrition, nitrogen fixation, transport physiology, toxins, stress responses, pests and diseases, agronomy and farming systems, composition and food uses, economic value and trade. Contributions are made by researchers in Australia and Europe who have had key roles in lupin research.
The book is essential reading for botanists, agronomists, plant breeders and geneticists involved with lupins and other grain legumes or with an interest in crop domestication and evolution. It also provides important information for lecturers and students of agriculture and for professionals in the livestock and food industries.
Main Contents
• Distribution, Origin, Taxonomy, History and Importance, J S Gladstones
• Genetic Resources in Lupins, B J Buirchell and W A Cowling, Agriculture Western Australia
• Genetics, Cytology and Biotechnology, C A Atkins, P M C Smith and S Gupta, University of Western Australia, M G K Jones, Murdoch University, Australia and P D S Caligari, University of Reading, UK
• Lupin Breeding, W A Cowling, Agriculture Western Australia, C Huyghe, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), France and W Swiecicki, Poznaρ Plant Breeders, Poland
• Lupin Nutrition, N Longnecker, R Brennan, Agriculture Western Australia and A Robson, Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture (CLIMA), University of Western Australia,
• Nodulation, Nitrogen Fixation and Nitrogen Balance, J G Howieson, I R P Fillery, CLIMA, University of Western Australia, A Legocki, M M Sikorski, T Stepkowski, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, F R Minchin, Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, Aberystwyth, UK and M J Dilworth, CLIMA, Murdoch University, Australia
• Transport Physiology and Partitioning, J S Pate, R J N Emery and C A Atkins, CLIMA, University of Western Australia
• Responses to Abiotic Stresses, M Dracup, Agriculture Western Australia, N C Turner, C Tang, M Reader and J Palta, CLIMA, University of Western Australia
• Diseases and Pests, M W Sweetingham, R A C Jones and A G P Brown, Agriculture Western Australia
• Agronomy and Farming Systems, M W Perry, M Dracup, P Nelson, R Jarvis, I Rowland and R J French, Agriculture Western Australia
• Economic Assessment of the Role and Value of Lupins in the Farming System, D J Pannell, CLIMA, University of Western Australia
• Composition and Food Uses of Lupins, D S Petterson, Agriculture Western Australia
• Lupins for Livestock and Fish, A C Edwards, ACE Livestock Consulting Pty Ltd, Cockatoo Valley, South Australia and R J van Barneveld, South Australian Research and Development Institute-Pig and Poultry Production Institute, University of Adelaide, Australia
• Toxins and Lupinosis, J G Allen, Agriculture Western Australia
• Marketing and Trade, R Trenorden, Grain Pool of Western Australia, Perth, Australia and B Cox, Davison Oils Pty Ltd, Pinjarra, Australia