Rodent Pests and Their Control
Edited by A P Buckle, ZENECA Public Health, UK; R Smith, Professor of Environmental Biology, University of Leicester, UK
Pub Date: March 1994
416 pages
Main Description
Rodents represent the largest order of mammals and include rats, mice and squirrels. They carry disease and are major pests in agriculture (e.g. in rice fields), of stored products, and in urban environments. This book is the only current volume that provides a comprehensive review of rodent pests and their control. The first four chapters establish the pest status of rodents and the need for control. The following six chapters review the principles of rodent control methods and their evaluation, the nature of resistance and how to assess damage. The final chapters consider the practice of rodent control, including the problems of extending technology to smallholders and evaluating potential environmental hazards. The book is aimed at students of pest management, public health and applied zoology, as well as practitioners in pest control.
Main Contents
• The natural history of rodents: Preadaptations to pestilence, D W Macdonald and M G P Fenn
• Commensal rodents, M Lund
• Rodents in agriculture and forestry, B J Wood
• Rodents as carriers of disease, N G Gratz
• Rodent control methods: Non-chemical and non-lethal chemical, R H Smith
• Rodent control methods: Chemical, A P Buckle
• The laboratory evaluation of rodenticides, R A Johnson and C V Prescott
• Field evaluation of rodenticides, D P Cowan and M G Townsend
• Resistance to anticoagulent rodenticides, J H Greaves
• Damage assessment and damage surveys, A P Buckle
• Rodent control in practice: Householders, pest control operators and municipal authorities, D Kaukeinen
• Rodent control in practice: Food stores, A N Meyer
• Rodent control in practice: Temperate field crops and forestry, A P Buckle
• Rodent control in practice: Tropical field crops, L A Fiedler and M W Fall
• Multimedia campaigns in rodent management programmes for smallholders, H Posamentier
• Assessing the environmental impact of rodenticides, R A Brown
• Rodent control: Back to the future, R H Smith and A P Buckle