Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Temperate Agriculture
Edited by K Evans, Rothamsted Experimental Station, UK; D L Trudgill, D L Trudgill, Scottish Crop Research Institute, UK; J M Webster, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Pub Date: December 1993
656 pages
Main Description
Nematodes are major pests of a number of temperate crops and can cause significant economic losses to farmers. This book provides a comprehensive account of such parasites, with chapters focusing on nematode pests of the main crops of importance in agriculture, horticulture and forestry. Written by leading authorities from the USA, UK, Canada, France, Netherlands, Australia, Bolivia and New Zealand this book is a definitive reference work for plant pathologists in general, and nematologists in particular.
Main Contents
• Extraction, identification and control of plant parasitic nematodes, D J Hooper and K Evans
• Modelling population dynamics and yield losses and their use in nematode management, R McSorley and M S Phillips
• Nematode parasites of potatoes, B B Brodie, K Evans and J Franco
• Nematode parasites of sugar beet, D Cooke
• Nematode pests of vegetable crops, J W Potter and T H A Olthof
• Nematode pests of oilseed crops and grain legumes, R D Riggs and T L Niblack
• Nematode pests of cereals, R Rivoal and R Cook
• Nematode pests of grassland and forage crops, R Cook and G W Yeates
• Nematode pests of forest trees, J R Sutherland and J M Webster
• Nematode pests of deciduous fruit and nut trees, A P Nyczepir and J M Halbrendt
• Nematode pests of soft fruits and vines, D L Trudgill, D J F Brown and A Dalmasso
• Nematode pests of ornamental and bulb crops, J F Southey
• Nematode pests of glasshouse crops and mushrooms, P N Richardson and P S Grewal
• Molecular aids to nematode diagnosis, J Curran and M P Robinson
• Entomogenous and entomopathogenic nematodes in biological control, H K Kaya
• Quarantine: Problems and solutions, J Cotten and H van Riel
• Cellular and molecular approaches to the control of plant parasitic nematodes, P R Burrows and M G K Jones