Integrated Pest Management in the Global Arena
Edited by K M Maredia, Institute of International Agriculture and Department of Entomology, Michigan State University, USA; D Dakouo, INERA, Burkina Faso (West Africa); D Mota-Sanchez, Department of Entomology, Michigan State University, USA
Pub Date: October 2003
560 pages
Crop protection, entomology, pest management
Key Features
• Describes the issues and institutions for IPM implementation around the world
• Will serve as a useful reference in international IPM courses around the world
Main Description
This book presents experiences and successful case studies of integrated pest management (IPM) from developed and developing countries and from major international centres and programmes.
In nearly 40 chapters, the following themes are addressed:
• Emerging issues in IPM, such as biotechnology, pesticide policies, socio-economic considerations
• Country experiences from Africa, Asia, North and South America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand
• Regional and international experiences, including FAO, the World Bank and CGIAR System-wide IPM Program
• "This formidable book is the result of 'monumental efforts' on the part of the three editors and their support team. They have produced a four-part, comprehensive, wide-ranging exposition of the complex and burgeoning integrated pest management approach to sustainable agriculture world-wide."
D Clifford, Pest Management Science, 2004
• "The book is well edited and easy to read. It is an informative appraisal of the current status of IPM interantionally. A number of the chapters would serve as valuable reading assignments for undergraduate and graduate courses in IPM and international agriculture."
George G Kennedy, The Quarterly Review of Biology, 79(3), 2004
• "The book will a very useful reference book for readers to get better acquainted with the development of IPM in different areas of the world."
G A Mathews, Crop Protection, 23, 2004
• "The strength of the book lies in the twenty chapters on national IPM experiences, from Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe and Australasia.
Pesticide News 62, December 2003
• "This well-referenced book, which includes websites, presents a rationale for all practitioners of IPM to continue improving their profession."
R Frederiksen, Choice, 41(10), 2004
• "Wide-ranging discussions, useful and up-to-date bibliographies and accounts of 'hands on' experiences all contribute to make this the users 'bible'."
Derek Clifford, Pest Managent Science, 60, 2004
• "It provides up-to-date information for all those involved in crop protection, especially entomologists."
Erich-Christian Oerke, Plant Pathology, 53, 2004
Main Contents
Part I: Emerging Issues in Integrated Pest Management
• Online resources for Integrated Pest Management information delivery and exchange, W I Bajwa and M Kogan
• Biological control and Integrated Pest Management, R J O’Neil, J S Yaninek, et al
• The influence of biotechnology on Integrated Pest Management in developing countries, K V Raman, E Grafius, et al
• Pesticide policy and Integrated Pest Management, G Fleischer and H Waibel
• Industrial perspective on Integrated Pest Management, G Head and J Duan
• Role of Integrated Pest Management and sustainable development, G W Bird
• Social and economic considerations in the design and implementation of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in developing countries, B Maumbe, R Bernsten, et al
• Integrated Pest Management adoption by the global community, W I Bajwa and M Kogan
Part II: Country Experiences - Experiences from Africa
• Integrated Pest Management in Burkina Faso, D Dakouo, M S Bonzi, et al
• Ghana national Integrated Pest Management Program, K Afreh-Nuamah
• Development and implementation of Integrated Pest Management in the Sudan, Y G A Bashir, Elamin M Elamin, et al
• Integrated Pest Management in Tanzania, B T Nyambo, A M Varela, et al
• Integration of Integrated Pest Management in integrated crop management: Experiences from Malawi, S Snapp and E Minja
• Integrated Pest Management in South Africa, D S Charleston, Rami Kfir, et al
Experiences from Asia
• Integrated Pest Management in China, Z-Y Wang, K-L He, et al
• Integrated Pest Management in India, A Singh, S Singh, et al
• Integrated Pest Management in Indonesia: IPM by farmers, I P Gde and N J Oka
• Integrated Pest Management in the Philippines, P A Javier, M L Q Sison, et al
Experiences from North and South America
• Integrated Pest Management in the United States of America, L Olsen, F Zalom, et al
• Integrated Pest Management in Mexico, D Mota-Sanchez, F S Gonzalez, et al
• Integrated Pest Management in Brazil, C B Hoffmann-Campo, L J Oliveira, et al
• Integrated Pest Management in Peru, M P Lazo, A L Travaglini, et al
• Integrated Pest Management in Argentina, D Carmona, M Huarte, et al
Experiences from Europe, Australia and New Zealand
• Integrated Pest Management in Greenhouses: Experience of European Countries, J C van Lenteren
• Integrated Pest Management in the Mediterranean Region: The case of Catalonia, Spain, R Albajes, M J Sarasua, et al
• Integrated plant protection management in Russia, V A Zakharenko and A L Il’ichev
• Integrated Pest Management in Australia, D G Williams and A L Il’ichev
• Integrated Pest Management in New Zealand Horticulture, D M Suckling, C McKenna, et al
Part III: Regional and International Experiences
• FAO Integrated Pest Management programs: Experiences of participatory IPM in West Africa, P Stemerding and S Nacro
• Integrated Pest Management Collaborative research support program (USAID-IPM CRSP): Highlights of its global experience, B Gebrekidan
• Bridging the gap with the CGIAR systemwide program on Integrated Pest Management, B James, P Neuenschwander, et al
• The World Bank and pest management, T W Schillhorn van Veen
• Integrated Pest Management case studies from ICIPE, Z R Khan, W A Overholt, et al
• Integrated Pest Management experiences of CIRAD- France in developing countries, A Ratnadass, X Mourichon, et al
• IPMEurope, the European group for Integrated Pest Management in development cooperation: Adding value to research effort, M Iles
• Building Integrated Pest Management programs in Central America: experiences of CATIE, C Staver and F Guharay
• Integrated Pest Management at CAB International, D R Dent, M Holderness, et al
Part IV: Conclusions and Recommendations
• Making IPM successful globally: Research, policy, management and networking recommendations, K Maredia, D Dakouo, et al