Handbook of Small Grain Insects
Includes more than 135 color photographs and maps, illustrated keys of pest injury and insect identification, references, glossary, and index!
The Handbook of Small Grain Insects is a comprehensive text that examines the biology and management of arthropod pest and beneficial species of small grain crops. Fifty-eight entomologists from throughout North America with expertise on specific pest groups have contributed to the text, thereby providing the most up-to-date information on pest biology and management available. The crops covered are wheat, barley, oats, rye, and triticale, with an emphasis on wheat.
The handbook contains the latest information on the management of small grain pests with introductory chapters discussing management tactics specifically related to small grain production. The handbook also brings together in one place an extensive amount of information on the biology and management of many minor pests of small grains that is often difficult to locate. A chapter on key cereal grain pests found outside North America is included as well as sections on parasitoids, predators and entomopathogens of small grain pests. Numerous photos and illustrated keys will help readers identify small grain pest and beneficial arthropods. An extensive glossary and index also are included.
The insect and mite pests that attack small grains are organized in sections covering: scientific classifications, origin and distribution, description (aids in identification), pest status (relative importance of the pest), injury (aids in diagnosis), life history, management, and natural enemies of these insect pests. Authors are identified at the end of each section, and a list of references for additional information is provided for most sections.
This handbook is designed for practitioners of integrated pest management (IPM) programs in small grains, growers, crop consultants, extension agents, agronomists, and agricultural sales representatives. Entomologists, entomology researchers and students will find this handbook indispensable. Horticulturists, plant pathologists, weed scientists, nematologists and scientists from related disciplines will also find the book to be a valuable reference.
About the Editors/Contributing Authors
How to Use this Book
An Introduction to Small Grains
Importance and Types of Small Grains
Growth and Development of Small Grains
Small Grain Production Practices
Insect and Mite Injury to Small Grains
Small Grain Pest Management
Principles of Small Grain Pest Management
Sampling and Decision Making in Arthropod Pest Management
Pest Management Tactics for Small Grain Arthropod Pests
Diseases and Arthropod Pest Management
Identification of Arthropods and Diagnosis of Injury
Small Grain Arthropod Pests by Injury Type
Small Grain Arthropod Pests by Scientific Classification
Key to Insect Injury to Wheat
Key to Insect and Mite pests of Small Grains
Pest Information
Bird Cherry-Oat Aphid
Corn Leaf Aphid
English Grain Aphid
Russian Wheat Aphid
Yellow Sugarcane Aphid
Miscellaneous Aphids
Fall Armyworm
Wheat Head Armyworm
Yellowstriped Armyworm
Blister Beetles
Cereal Leaf Beetle
Chinch Bug
Army Cutworm
Pale Western Cutworm
Flea Beetles
Frit Fly
Hessian Fly
Leaf Sawflies
Leafhoppers and Planthoppers
Leafminers/Grass Sheathminer
Lesser Cornstalk Borer
Mormon Cricket
Plant Bugs
Seedcorn Maggot
Stalk-Boring Caterpillars
European and Native Corn Borer
Stalk Borer
Stink Bugs
Wheat Jointworm
Wheat Midge
Wheat Mites
Wheat Curl Mite
Brown Wheat Mite
Banks Grass Mite
Winter Grain Mite
Wheat Stem Maggot
Wheat Stem Sawfly
Wheat Strawworm
White Grubs
Wireworms and False Wireworms
False Wireworms
Insect Pests Outside of North America
Sunn Pest and Cereal Bugs
Wheat Ground Beetle
Ground Pearls
Barley Stem Gall Midge
Barley Shoot Fly
Black Fly
Migratory Locust
Beneficial Organisms
Sources of Information