Ganoderma Diseases of Perennial Crops
Edited by J Flood, CABI Bioscience, Egham, UK; M Holderness, CABI Bioscience, Egham, UK; P Bridge, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, UK
Pub Date: December 2000
288 pages
Plant pathology, mycology, agronomy and those involved in tropical agriculture.
Main Description
Diseases caused by Ganoderma species cause major losses of palms and other perennial crops throughout the world, and these are particularly significant in Asia. Successive replanting of crop monocultures can be rapidly exploited by soil borne fungi such as Ganoderma, and the problem will become more serious in the 21st century, as more areas become due for second or even third replanting. Environmental considerations will reduce exploitation of new forest areas, making further replanting of these crops inevitable. Thus, appropriate, integrated management systems for these diseases are vital. However, the development of such control measures has been hampered in the past by a limited knowledge of the nature and inter-relationships of populations of different hosts and the mechanisms of disease establishment and spread.
This book aims to address these limitations through enhanced knowledge of the biology and taxonomy of Ganoderma species. The use of molecular and biochemical methods can be used to provide a greater understanding of the spread of the pathogen, and consequently, the improved management of disease.
Main Contents
Part I: Ganoderma, Organism and Systematics
• Ganodermataceae: Nomenclature and Classification, G-S Seo and P M Kirk
• Systematics of Ganoderma, J-M Moncalvo
Part II: Ganoderma Diseases of Perennial Crops
• Status of Ganoderma in Oil Palm, D Ariffin, A S Idris and G Singh
• Basal Stem Rot of Oil Palm in Thailand Caused by Ganoderma, S Likhitekaraj and A Tummakate
• The Current Status of Root Diseases of Acacia mangium Willd, S S Lee
Part III: Disease Control and Management Strategies
• A Control Strategy for Basal Stem Rot (Ganoderma) on Oil Palm, H Soepena, R Y Purba and S Pawirosukarto
• The Use of Soil Amendments for the Control of Basal Stem Rot of Oil Palm Seedlings, M Sariah, and H Zakaria
• The Spread of Ganoderma from Infective Sources in the Field and its Implications for Management of the Disease in Oil Palm, J Flood et al.
• Basidiospores: Their Influence on Our Thinking Regarding a Control Strategy for Basal Stem Rot of Oil Palm, F R Sanderson et al.
• Management of Basal Stem Rot Disease of Coconut Caused by Ganoderma lucidum, R Bhaskaran
• In vitro Biodegradation of Oil Palm Stem Using Macroscopic Fungi from S.E. Asia: A Preliminary Investigation, R M Paterson et al.
• Functional Units in Root Diseases: Lessons from Heterobasidion annosum, Ε Olson and J Stenlid
Part IV: Molecular Variability in Ganoderma
• Molecular and Morphological Characterization of Ganoderma in Oil Palm Plantings, R N G Miller et al.
• Spatial and Sequential Mapping on the Incidence of Basal Stem Rot of Oil Palms (Elaeis guineensis) on a Former Coconut (Cocos nucifera) Plantation, F Abdullah
• Genetic Variation in Ganoderma spp. from Papua New Guinea as Revealed by Molecular (PCR) Methods, C A Pilotti et al.
• Molecular Variation in Ganoderma Isolates from Oil Palm, Coconut and Betelnut, H Rolph et al.
Part V: Development of Diagnostic Tests for Ganoderma
• Development of Molecular Diagnostics for the Detection of Ganoderma Isolates Pathogenic to Oil Palm, P D Bridge et al.
• The Development of Diagnostic Tools for Ganoderma in Oil Palm, C Utomo and F Niepold
• Ganoderma in Oil Palm in Indonesia: Current Status and Prospective Use of Antibodies for the Detection of Infection, T W Darmono