Bioassays of Entomopathogenic Microbes and Nematodes
Pest management, applied entomology, microbiology and biological control
Main Description
This volume provides background theory and practical protocols for bioassays of bacteria, viruses, fungi, microsporidia and nematodes that can be used as biological control agents against insect pests of agricultural and medical importance. In addition, experimental design and statistics, computational modelling for bioassay analysis, and relevant legislation are described. With contributions from internationally recognised scientists from their respective fields, this book will be of particular value to researchers both experienced and inexperienced in this area.
• "It is a marvellous bible for aspiring entomologists to dip into for ideas on ways to conduct biological assays.... I recommend that it should sit on the laboratory shelf of all entomologists who are involved in agricultural research today."
John Badmin, Crop Protection 20, 2001
Main Contents
• Bioassays of Bacillus thuringiensis
• Bioassays of Bacillus thuringiensis products used against agricultural pests, A Navon, The Volcani Center, Israel
• Bioassays of genetically engineered Bacillus thuringiensis plant products, SR Sims, Whitmire Micro-Gen, USA
• Bioassays of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis, O Skovmand, Laboratoire de Lutte Contre Les Insects Nuisible, France and N Becker, German Mosquito Control Association, Germany
• Production of Bacillus thuringiensis insecticides for experimental uses, S Braun, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
• Bioassays of replicating bacteria against soil-dwelling insect pests, TA Jackson and DJ Saville, Agresearch, New Zealand
• Bioassays of entomopathogenic viruses, KA Jones, University of Greenwich, UK
• Bioassays of entomogenous fungi, TM Butt, University of Wales, UK and MS Goettel, Lethbridge Research Centre, Canada
• Bioassays of microsporidia, JV Maddox, WM Brooks, North Carolina State University, USA and LF Solter, Illinois Natural History Survey & Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, USA
• Bioassays of entomopathogenic nematodes, I Glazer, The Volcani Center, Israel and EE Lewis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
• Statistical and computational analysis of bioassay data, R Marcus, The Volcani Center, Israel and DM Eaves, Simon Frazer University, Canada
• Legislation affecting the collection, use and safe handling of entomopathogenic microbes and nematodes, D Smith, CABI Bioscience UK Centre (Egham), UK