Ainsworth and Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi, 9th Edition
Mycology (pure and applied).
Main Description
This is the one essential handbook for all who work with or are interested in fungi (including lichens, slime moulds and yeasts).
This new edition, with more than 20,500 entries, provides the most complete listing of generic names of and terms used to describe fungi available. For each genus, the authority, the date of publication, status, systematic position, number of accepted species, distribution, and key references are given. Diagnoses of families, orders and higher categories are included for most groups. In addition, there are biographic notes, information on well-known metabolites and mycotoxins, and broad accounts of almost all pure and applied aspects of the subject (including citations of important literature).
All information has been updated as necessary since the publication of the eighth edition in 1995. In addition the ninth edition has the following new features:
• A refined classification of fungal phyla reflecting the latest molecular evidence, including a major revision of the classification of the Ascomycota
• A full integration of anamorphic genera in the classification
• A revised synopsis of the proposed classification
Reviews of the 9th edition:
• "None of us can afford not to have a copy of this book at arm's length. Students deserve a copy in their laboratories. In summary: order it now.",
Richard P Korf, Plant Pathology Herbarium, Cornell University, USA
• "We strongly believe that this new edition will be of tremendous value for the traditional readers of the dictionary and very useful to those in other areas.",
Mycopathologia, 2002
• "The Dictionary of the Fungi is surely one of the most indispensable of all mycological publications - every student of the fungi should own, or have access to, a copy of the most recent edition.",
Bryce Kendrick, Mycologist, Feb 2003
• "This dictionary is an essential reference for all who work with fungi. Teachers and students of mycology, plant pathologists, ecologists, industrial biologists, and others interested in mycology will find this dictionary an interesting and useful reference.",
Robert J. McGovern, HortScience 37(3)
• "This is an extremely useful reference book for those studying fungi and lichens."
J Ginns, The Canadian Field-Naturalist, 117
Reviews of the 8th edition:
• �Everything the editors hope for... A marvelously imperfect work needed by all. The core work is indeed a marvel of a dictionary.�,
• �The content of the dictionary is most diverse including not only mycological nomenclature, but extensive detail regarding individual genera of fungi and reference information.�, Mycopathologia
• �This thoroughly revised edition was impatiently expected and is on the shelf of every active mycologist who needs it to find up-to-date information on the status and position of genera, bibliographic and taxonomic details, explanations of terminology, etc.�, Nova Hedwigia