A Dictionary of Entomology
All professionals and students of entomology and related disciplines.
Main Description
Shortlisted as a Reference Reviews Top Ten Print Reference Source 2004
This book is a comprehensive, fully cross-referenced collection of over 28,000 terms, names and phrases used in entomology, incorporating an estimated 43,000 definitions. It is the only listing which covers insect anatomy, behaviour, biology, ecology, histology, molecular biology, morphology, pest management, taxonomy and systematics. The origin, etymology, part of speech and definition of each term and phrase are all provided, including the language, meaning or root of each term and constituent parts. Where meanings have changed, or terms have been borrowed from other disciplines, the most current usage is indicated.
The common names of insects, their scientific binomen and taxonomic classification are provided, with diagnoses of pest species in many cases. All insect order, suborder, superfamily, family and subfamily names are given, together with the diagnostic features of orders and families. Names of deceased entomologists, or scientists from other fields who have contributed to entomology are included, with the citation for their biography or obituary. This book is an essential reference source for all professionals and students of entomology and related disciplines.
* "Everyone who is interested in the science should have access to a copy".
Peter G Allsopp, Australian Journal of Entomology
* "A Dictionary of Entomology is the most complete reference of its kind available today... This is an extraordinary work of the highest scholarship, and this reviewer cannot find any reasonable fault with it".
Abelardo C Moncayo, American Entomologist
* "Every Serious entomologist should have a copy of this dictionary, and physicians and veterinarians dealing with insect-transmitted infections need to have a copy to hand". M W Service, Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
* "...the dictionary is very up-to-date and will be extremely useful to both students and researchers, particularly those in fields that only partially overlap with entomology".
* "The dictionary would be an excellent addition to many a researcher's own bookshelf and some of our institutional libraries".
V B Meyer-Rochow, Entomologica Fennica, April 2002
* "A major work and an absolutely essential addition to any comprehensive entomological library, whatever its speciality".
International Pest Control, August 2002
* "As a general resource text, I feel this dictionary will become invaluable to many entomologists, professional or other-wise, and help their work or study of this fascinating but sometimes complex subject".
Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, October 2002
* "I recommend that this book should be on the shelves of all entomologists, biologists, pest management specialists and all college and university libraries."
Virendra Gupta, Oriental Insects 38(84), 2004
* "There is no doubt that this immense work is the most complete reference of its kind available today, or probably ever."
G R Seamons, Reference Reviews, 18(2), 2004
* "This encyclopaedic lexicon presents a most extensive synopsis of entomological and related terms, it provides a serviceable reference source essential for all students and professionals interested in some branch of the science of entomology."
Jindrich Jira, Acta Societas Zoologicae Bohemicae, 67(14), 2004