A Colour Handbook of Biological Control in Plant Protection
This Colour Handbook reviews the natural predators, parasites and pathogens used to control pest populations and analyses their characteristics and practical applications. It is designed to enable the reader to anticipate, recognise and resolve specific problems of pest management. Intended as a concise accessible reference to the field, this book will be of interest to a broad spectrum of academic, professional and lay readers; the growers and the consultants advising them, students in horticulture and crop science and scientists in a broad range of related disciplines.
• Superb, detailed colour photographs and line drawings of predator, parasite and pest species.
• Accessible, practical format.
• Covers all the major commercial planting environments; Arable, Orchard, Glasshouse and Ornamental (parks and gardens).
• Unique world wide coverage.
• Comperhensively corss-referenced by crop, pest, and pest control species (parasites and predators).
Table of Contents
Arable Crops
Orchard Crops
Ornamental Crops
Glass house Crops
Main Species - Centipedes, Eel Worms, Fungi, Parasitic Wasps, Lacewings, Predatory Bugs, Spiders, Harvestmen, Predatory Mites, Earwigs, Predatory Flies, Hoverflies, Rove Beetles, Ladybirds, Ground Beetles