Soil Mineralogy with Environmental Applications
Few books achieve a connection between scientifc theory and real world environmental problems, but this one does. Generous use of color images, exercises, and case studies make it friendly for the classroom or non-mineralogist. Discover crystallography, surface chemistry, mineral-solution equilibria, organic matter, and soil mineral analysis. The book includes a lengthy exploration of world-wide applications of mineralogy in soil taxonomy, tectonics, radionuclides, pesticides, enzymes, and more.
1. An Introduction to Soil Mineralogy, Darrell G. Schulze
2. Surface Chemistry of Soil Minerals, Cliff T. Johnston and Etelka Tombácz
3. Soil Organic Matter and Organic–Mineral Interactions, Youjun Deng and Joe B. Dixon
4. Mineral Equilibria in Environmental Soil Systems, A. D. Karathanasis
5. Methods for Determination of Mineralogy and Environmental Availability,James E. Amonette
6. Carbonates and Evaporites, Harvey E. Doner and Paul R. Grossl
7. Sulfides and Sulfates, D. S. Fanning, M. C. Rabenhorst, S. N. Burch, K. R. Islam, and S. A. Tangren
8. Aluminum Hydroxides, P. M. Huang, M. K. Wang, N. Kämpf, and D. G. Schulze
9. Allophane and Imogolite, James B. Harsh, Jon Chorover, and Egide Nizeyimana
10. Iron Oxides, J. M. Bigham, R. W. Fitzpatrick, and D. G. Schulze
11. Manganese Oxides, Joe B. Dixon and G. Norman White
12. Kaolin–Serpentine Minerals, G. Norman White and Joe B. Dixon
13. Pyrophyllite–Talc Minerals, L. W. Zelazny, P. J. Thomas, and C. L. Lawrence
14. Micas, Michael L. Thompson and Ljerka Ukrainczyk
15. Smectites, Deborah A. Reid-Soukup and April L. Ulery
16. Vermiculites, Prakash B. Malla
17. Chlorites, Connie K. Kohut and C. James Warren
18. Palygorskite and Sepiolite, Arieh Singer
19. Zeolites, J. L. Boettinger and D. W. Ming
20. Silica Minerals, H. Curtis Monger and Eugene F. Kelly
21. Phosphate Minerals, W. G. Harris
22. . Titanium and Zirconium Minerals, R. W. Fitzpatrick and D. J. Chittleborough
23. Soil Minerals, Their Geographic Distribution, and Soil Taxonomy, Warren C. Lynn, Robert J. Ahrens, and Adrian L. Smith
24. Mineralogy and Soil Tectonics, Glenn Borchardt
25. Radionuclide-Contaminated Soils A Mineralogical Perspective for their Remediation, M. P. Elless and S. Y. Lee
26. Reactions of Pesticides with Soil Minerals, D. A. Laird and B. L. Sawhney
27. Interactions of Enzymes with Clays and Applications in Bioremediation, Siyuan Shen, Shu-i Tu, and Robert W. Taylor
28. Charcoal in Soils A Preliminary View, S. Rainho Teixeira, Joe B. Dixon, G. Norman White, and Lee A.