Practical Handbook for Wetland Identification and Delineation, Second Edition
• Offers the latest techniques for conducting wetland evaluations
• Includes regulatory/permitting requirements, statutes, and other legal guidance
• Contains increased options for scientific evaluation of problematic areas
• Shows advances in mapping in surveying technologies
• Includes numerous new photographs and external references
Wetland identification, although theoretically straightforward, is not cut and dry as a practice. Despite the time and expense, it is an economic and environmental necessity.
The Definitive Guide to the Practice of Wetland Identification
The second edition of the bestselling Practical Handbook for Wetland Identification and Delineation offers solutions to real-world problems in the scientific and regulatory aspects of wetlands. The authors present characteristics and indicators of wetlands that are the focus of the jurisdictional issue, and discuss strategies and methods for making wetland identifications and delineations that meet federal requirements.
What’s new in the Second Edition:
• Coverage of increased options for scientific evaluation of problematic areas
• More details on definition of wetlands, description of their functions, and delineation methods used to assess their extent
• Lay examination of legal questions, regulatory/permitting requirements, statutes, and other guidance
• Information on the latest techniques for conducting wetland evaluations
• Exploration of advances in mapping, surveying and remote sensing technologies
Although the most basic delineation methods and procedures have not changed since the first edition, the availability and power of advanced mapping, remote sensing and surveying technologies have advanced the science. Low and higher altitude aerial imagery, geographic information system (GIS) databases, easily accessible land cover maps, and fine resolution satellite data are just a few of the resources available. In spite of these advances, it is still difficult to find practical directions on how to gather needed data in the literature.
Updated and revised to reflect changes in the science and technology, the second edition brings together technical criteria, field indicators, and vital regional information in clear language and focused practical utility.
What Is a Wetland?
The Federal Definition and Criteria for Identification of Wetlands
Selecting a Method of Analysis and Level of Detail
Routine Level Methods and Analysis Procedures
Intermediate Level Methods and Analyses Procedures
Comprehensive Procedures
Additional Background and Details
Soil Surveys
Munsell Color Charts
Plant Measurements
Additional Methods and Considerations
Topographic Maps
Aerial Photos and Remote Sensor Image Data
Aerial Photos or Images for Characterizing Soils
Large Area Wetland Evaluations
National Wetland Inventory Products
Surveying and Mapping
Advanced Methods, Hydrology, Soils and Plants
Qualitative Methods
Quantitative Methods
Wetland Soils
Soil Surveys and Soil Maps
Growing Season
Calibrating Hydric Soil Field Indicators to Long Term Wetland
Plants and Soil Chemistry
Advanced Methods, Mapping Sciences
Mapping Sciences
Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems
Digital Elevation Models
Digital Terrain Models, Digital Line Graphs, and Other Data
Topographic Information
Floodplain Mapping
National Wetlands Inventory
Detailed Mapping and GIS
Web Services
Remote Sensing and Mapping of Wetlands
General Wetlands
Spectral Analyses
Detailed Remote Sensor Analyses
Data Fusion
Continental Scale Image Data Sets
Advanced Applications and Pattern Recognition
Oil and Wetlands
Oil Spills and Hazardous Waste
Oiling and Methodologies
Wetlands and Oil
Water Quality Issues and Oiling
Oil Applications of GIS
Permitting, Field Inspection, and Jurisdiction
The Permitting Process
Permitting and Environmental Attorneys
Wetlands and Riparian and Riverine Areas
The Report and Permitting
Where We Are
Where We Are Going
Hydrology, Connectivity, and Jurisdiction
Advanced and Enhanced Methods
Where Are We Going
Plant Related References