Crop-Soil Simulation Models: Applications in Developing Countries
Crop, soil scientists and students involved in tropical agriculture, crop physiology and natural resources management, agricultural economists, policy makers in ministries of agriculture and development organizations
Key Features
• Reviews progress in crop-soil simulation modelling and assess its application to agriculture in developing countries.
• Covers the main themes of tropical agriculture, simulation modelling, agricultural development, research impact, crop and soil science, decision support systems and educational tools.
Main Description
The use of crop-soil modelling has so far been mainly confined to the research community. Practical applications have occurred in the areas of decision tools for irrigation studies and pest management. However, there is potential to increase its applied use. This book reviews progress in crop-soil simulation modelling and assesses its application to agriculture in developing countries. It is based on work sponsored by the Natural Resources Systems Programme of the UK Department for International Development.
• "A valuable reference and reading for researchers in crop and soil sciences and policy-makers concerned with agricultural development, and certainly will be a valuable text for university postgraduates involved with crop-soil modelling."
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2003
• "This book should be highly valuable to all professionals working with models." S.A. Saseendran, L.R. Ahuja, and L. Ma, J. Environ. Qual., 32, Nov-Dec 2003
Main Contents
Part I: Models as tools in research
• Models as research tools, R Matthews
• Crop genotype improvement, R Matthews
• Crop management, R Matthews
• Cropping and farming systems, R Matthews
• Regional and national planning, R Matthews
• Global level processes, R Matthews and R Wassmann, Fraunhofer Institute for Atmospheric Environmental Research, Germany
Part II: Models as decision-support tools
• Decision theory and decision support systems, W Stephens
• Tools to support operational decision making, W Stephens and T Middleton
• Tools to support strategic decision making, W Stephens and T Middleton
• Why has the uptake of decision support systems been so poor? W Stephens and T Middleton
Part III:Models as tools in education and training
• Using models as tools in education and training, A Graves, T Hess and R Matthews
Part IV:Have crop models been useful?
• Who are the models targeted at? R Matthews
• Impacts of crop/soil models, R Matthews, W Stephens and T Hess
Part V: The way forward
• Where to now with crop modelling? R Matthews