Banana Breeding: Progress and Challenges
• Covers a diverse spectrum of topics on the banana
• Includes biotechnological aspects of evolution and breeding
• Contains the latest information on banana Xanthomonas wilt, the most recent and devastating disease of banana in East Africa
• Reviews the floral biology of bananas and includes information is unique to this book
• Presents information in easy to understand language for a broad audience interested in researching banana
With the current world population growth of 1.2%, the earth can expect to house 9-10 billion people by 2050. Food production, too, must increase to accommodate these numbers. Easy growing, high calorie, nutritious foods, such as bananas are the top priority as a solution to this imminent problem.
The first comprehensive compendium on bananas in recent years, Banana Breeding: Progress and Challenges provides in-depth coverage of all aspects of banana breeding and genetics, including biotechnology. A wide-ranging compilation of chapters by various experts, the book begins with a chapter on the general plant morphology of Musa. It continues with chapters such as Evolution and Genetic Relationships in Bananas and Plantains, Genetic Resources for Banana Improvement, Genomes, Cytogenetics, Flow Cytometry of Musa, and Genetics of Important Traits in Musa as well as two chapters that cover the major diseases and pests of banana.
The central focus of the book is encompassed in chapters such as Reproductive Biology, Breeding Techniques, Mutations and Cultivar Development of Banana, Biotechnology in Musa Improvement, and Genotype by Environment Interaction and Musa Improvement. The latter chapter offers tools for selecting both narrowly adapted and broadly adapted cultivars. The chapters on quality improvement of cultivated Musa and postharvest processed products provide researchers and teachers with information to improve quality aspects of banana along with information on how to reduce postharvest losses.
General Plant Morphology of Musa
Deborah Karamura, Eldad Karamura, and Guy Blomme
Evolution and Genetic Relationships in Banana and Plantains
Uma Subbaraya, Marimuthu S. Saraswathi, and Michael Pillay
Genetic Resources for Banana Improvement
Markku Häkkinen and Richard Wallace
Genomes, Cytogenetics, and Flow Cytometry of Musa
Michael Pillay and Abdou Tenkouano
Genetics of Important Traits in Musa
Eli Khayat and Rodomiro Ortiz
Major Diseases of Banana
Guy Blomme, Simon Eden-Green, Mohammed Mustaffa,
Bartholemew Nwauzoma, and Raman Thangavelu
Integrated Pest Management of Banana
Thomas Dubois and Daniel L. Coyne
Reproductive Biology
Jeanie Anne Fortescue and David William Turner
Breeding Techniques
Abdou Tenkouano, Michael Pillay, and Rodomiro Ortiz
Mutations and Cultivar Development of Banana
Shri Mohan Jain, Bradley Till, Prasnna Suprasanna, and Nicolas Roux
Biotechnology in Musa Improvement
Leena Tripathi
Genotype by Environment Interaction and Musa Improvement
Rodomiro Ortiz and Abdou Tenkouano
Quality Improvement of Cultivated Musa
Edson Perito Amorim, Sebastião de Oliveira e Silva,
Vanusia Batista de Oliveira Amorim, and Michael Pillay
Postharvest Processed Products from Banana
Cherukatu Kalathil Narayana and Michael Pillay
Propagation Methods in Musa
Michael Pillay, Christopher A. Cullis, David Talengera, and Leena Tripathi
Hybrid Distribution to Farmers: Adoption and Challenges
Abdou Tenkouano, Michael Pillay, and Ousmane Coulibaly
Molecular Breeding of Other Vegetatively Propagated Crops: Lessons for Banana
Michael Pillay, Abdou Tenkouano, and Rodomiro Ortiz
Future Prospects
Rodomiro Ortiz, Michael Pillay, and Abdou Tenkouano