Forest History: International Studies on Socioeconomic and Forest Ecosystem Change
Forestry, history, geography.
Main Description
This book presents edited and revised versions of more than 30 papers selected from those presented at a major conference on History and Forest Resources, held in Florence in 1998. The conference was organised by the Italian Academy of Forestry Science and working group on Forest History of the International Union of Forestry Research Organisations (IUFRO). As a whole the papers present detailed analyses of the interrelationships between forest ecosystems and socioeconomic development from thirteen different countries of the world. Main economic and social factors, techniques and local practices, as well as legal and political aspects related to forest changes are discussed, according to the latest achievements in forest history research. The book is a companion volume to Methods and Approaches in Forest History.
Main Contents
• Introduction, M Agnoletti
• Les Ressources Forestiθres et le Dιveloppement Economique de la Vallιe Mosane du 11e au 17e Siθcle d’aprιs l’Ιtude du Trafic Fluvial, M Suttor
• ‘The Coveted Tree’: The Industrial Threat to the Vosges Forest in the 16th and 18th Centuries, E Garnier
• The War of the Plants: Botanical Exchange and Agricultural Conquest of the New World during Colonial Times, E Amodio
• The Historic Evolution of the Haitian Forest, F Hatzenberger
• Forests and Forestry Culture in Tuscany Between the 18th and the 19th Centuries, P Nanni
• Earlier Images of the Amazon in the USA, L F Sedrez
• The Tree and the Machine: Manufacture, Communities and Institutions in the Woods of Southern Italy, M Armiero
• The Muniellos Forest (Asturias, Spain) in History, J P Torrente
• Une Illusion Franηaise: la Pιnurie des Ressources Ligneuses, 1814-1914, A Corvol-Dessert
• Shortage of Wood? Towards a New Approach in Forest History: the Palatinate in the 19th Century, B-S Grewe
• Socio-economic Development and Changing Mental Concepts (Re)shaping the Woods in a German Region of Low Mountain Ranges: Contributions of a Study on Regional Level, G Modert
• Historical Interactions Between Agricultural and Forest Utilization in the Austrian Alps and Its Impact on Present Forest Condition, E Johann
• Exploiting the Last Phase of the North European Timber Frontier for the International Market 1890-1914: an Economic-historic Approach, J Bjφrklund
• ‘Impossible’ Roads and ‘Inaccessible’ Woods: Aspects and Problems of Wood Transport in 18th Century, Southern Italy, M Gangemi
• Parks, Plebs and the Picturesque: Sherwood Forest as a Contested Landscape in England 1770-1830, B Cowell
• Social and Environmental Determining Factors of Forest Fire History: the Case of Eastern Andalusia, 1840-1890, S Cruz Artacho, M Gonzαlez de Molina, M N Delgado and A Ortega
• Common Woodlands in Mediteranean Societies: Commercial Management Versus Forms of Peasant Resistance in Andalucia (Spain), 1750-1930, A O Santos
• Biodiversity Conservation in Central Himalaya: a Peoples’ Approach, A S Rawat
• People’s Struggle Against the Institution of Royal Forest Reserves in England, in the 11th - 14th Centuries, Y J Serovayskay
• In the Wood of Neglect, J Dargavel
• Law, Forest Resources and Management of Territory in the Late Middle Ages: Woodlands in Tuscan Municipal Statutes, F Salvestrini
• A Brief History of the Forest Changes in the Sila Greca Mountains, M A Gallo and F Iovino
• Economic Culture and Forest Policy in Italy (1861-1915), T Raffaelli
• Forest Policy and Public Forest Production in Spain, 1855-1936, D G Martinez, J I J Blanco, J A S Amarilla, J F Z Pineda and S Z Blanco
• Economic Policy and Forest Resources in Spain: the Case of the Province of Pontevedras, 1926-1956, E Rico Boquete
• The Impact of Five Forest Commissions on the History and Practice of Forestry in BC, Canada, P Mitchell-Banks
• A Brief History of Italian Forest Policy, A L Freschi and L Hermanin
• A History of the French Coniferous Forest, V Moriniaux
• Imagining and Creating Forests in Britain, 1890-1939, J Tsouvalis and C Watkins
• Some Aspects about Forest Management in Spain from the 16th to 19th Centuries, C M Manuel
• The Impact of Economic, Social and Political Factors on the Ecology of Small English Woodlands: a Case Study of the Ancient Woods in South Yorkshire, England, I D Rotherham and M Jones
• Index