Forest Climbing Plants of West Africa: Diversity, Ecology and Management
Edited by F Bongers, Wageningen University, The Netherlands; M P E Parren, Wageningen University, The Netherlands; D Traorι, University of Cocody, Cτte d'Ivoire
Pub Date: June 2005
288 pages
Researchers and students in forestry, plant ecology, conservation and botany
Key Features
• Provides crucial knowledge on a topic that has been largely neglected in existing literature
• Makes a highly original contribution to plant biodiversity studies
Main Description
Climbing plants, including lianas, represent a fascinating component of the ecology of tropical forests. This book focuses on the climbing plants of West African forests. Based on original research, it presents information on the flora (including a checklist), diversity (with overviews at several levels of integration), ecology (distribution, characteristics in relation to environment, their role in forest ecosystems) and ethnobotany. Forestry aspects, such as their impact on tree growth and development, and the effects of forestry interventions on climbers are also covered.
Main Contents
• Forest climbers in West Africa: introduction, F Bongers, M P E Parren, M D Swaine, University of Aberdeen, UK, and D Traorι
• A botanical synopsis of the lianas and other forest climbers, C C H Jongkind, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, and W D Hawthorne, University of Oxford, UK
• On censusing lianas: a review of common methodologies, M P E Parren, F Bongers, G Caballι, Unitι Mixte de Recherche, France, J Nabe-Nielsen, The Royal Veterinarian and Agricultural University, Denmark, and S A Schnitzer, University of Wisconsin, USA
• The role of lianas in gap regeneration and in community wide species richness, S A Schnitzer and F Bongers
• Climber abundance, diversity and colonisation in degraded forests of different ages in Cτte d'Ivoire, M E Kuzee and F Bongers, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
• Climbing plants in Ghanaian forests, M D Swaine, W D Hawthorne, F Bongers, and M Toledo Aceves, University of Aberdeen, UK
• Climbers in forest fragments in Togo, K Kokou, Universitι du Bιnin, Bιnin, and G Caballι
• Taxonomic diversity of climbers in riparian forests in Benin, A K Natta and B Sinsin, Cotonou, Bιnin
• The climbers of a semi-deciduous forests in Cτte d'Ivoire: the case of Haut Sassandra, D T Etien and D Traorι, University of Cocody, Cτte d'Ivoire
• Taxonomy, population dynamics and utilisation of the rattan palms of Upper Guinea, T C H Sunderland, V Belignι and L Bonnehin, Cτte d'Ivoire, E Ebanyenle and A Oteng-Amoako, Forestry Research Institute of Ghana, Ghana, and E-J Zouzou
• Utilisation of climbers in two forests reserves in western Cτte d'Ivoire, H F Tra Bi, Universitι de'Abobo-Adjamι, Cτte d'Ivoire, F N' Kouamι, University of Cocody, Cτte d'Ivoire, and D Traorι
• Logging and lianas in West Africa, M P E Parren and F Doumbia
• Climbers after logging: the case of Haut Sassandra, F N' Kouame, D Traorι, F Bongers and L Poorter, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
• Management of climbers in the forests of West Africa, M P E Parren and F Bongers