Tropisms, the defined vectorial stimuli, such as gravity, light, touch, humidity gradients, ions, oxygen, and temperature, which provide guidance for plant organ growth, is a rapidly growing and changing field. The last few years have witnessed a true renaissance in the analysis of tropisms. As such the conception of tropisms has changed from being seen as a group of simple laboratory curiosities to their recognition as important tools/phenotypes with which to decipher basic cell biological processes that are essential to plant growth and development. Plant Tropisms will provide a comprehensive, yet integrated volume of the current state of knowledge on the molecular and cell biological processes that govern plant tropisms.
Table of Contents
1. Mechanisms of Gravity Perception in Higher Plants: Aline H. Valster and Elison B. Blancaflor.
2. Signal Transduction in Gravitropism: Benjamin R. Harrison, Miyo T. Morita, Patrick H. Masson and Masao Tasaka.
3. Auxin Transport and the Integration of Gravitropic Growth: Gloria K. Muday and Abidur Rahman.
4. Phototropism and its Relationship to Gravitropism: Jack L. Mullen and John Z. Kiss.
5. Touch Sensing and Thigmotropism: Gabriele B. Monshausen, Sarah J. Swanson and Simon Gilroy.
6. Other Tropisms and their Relationship to Gravitropism: Gladys I. Cassab.
7. Single-Cell Gravitropism and Gravitaxis: Markus Braun and Ruth Hemmersbach.
8. Space-Based Research on Plant Tropisms: Melanie J. Correll and John Z. Kiss.
9. Plan(t)s for Space Exploration: Christopher S. Brown, Heike Winter Sederoff, Eric Davies, Robert J. Ferl, and Bratislav Stankovic