Seabuckthorn: Modern Cultivation Technologies
Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L) is a multipurpose nitrogen fixing deciduous plant of cold regions of Indian Himalayas, China, Central Asia, Russia and Europe. Fruit and leaves of seabuckthorn are very rich in variety of vitamins, carotenoids, flavonoids and sterols etc, which have potential in health food, cosmetic and drug industries. Seabuckthorn is also an excellent fuel wood, fooder and soil binder. The present book on "Seabuckthorn: Modern Cultivation Technologies" has been written by world renowned experts on seabuckthorn. The book has eighteen chapters on various aspects of seabuckthorn cultivation: Introduction, Plant characteristics, Biochemical changes during fruit ripening, Utilization in health industries, Fodder and Feed, Fuel Wood, Environmental conservation, Climatic requirements, Global distribution, Taxonomy, Breeding strategies, Propagation, Field development, Plantation methods, Management practices, Harvesting of fruit and Post harvest handling. This book will be a very useful edition in commercial cultivation of seabuckthorn and mainly meant for growers, students and scientists in particular.