Diseases of Tropical Fruit Crops
Edited by R C Ploetz, Tropical Research and Education Center, University of Florida, Homestead, Florida, USA
Pub Date: June 2003
544 pages
Plant pathology, tropical agriculture and tropical horticulture
Main Description
• Comprehensive information on diseases of the most important tropical fruit crops
• Chapters are devoted to a single or, in some cases, a related group of host plants
• The history, distribution, importance, symptoms, aetiology, epidemiology and management of diseases of each crop are described in detail
This book offers a comprehensive review of diseases of important tropical and some subtropical fruit crops. The history, distribution, importance, etiology, epidemiology and control of diseases of each host crop are covered, along with brief summaries on the taxonomy, origins and characteristics of each host. Additional information is given on the biology and pathology of the causal agents and on new advances that change or otherwise enhance our understanding of the nature and cause of these diseases. Plant pathologists, plantation and nursery managers, lecturers and those who are involved in tropical agriculture and horticulture will find this an essential reference.
• "It will be a welcome addition to the library of those involved with or who have an interest in tropical fruit production or pest management."
Wayne Nishijima, Mycopathologia, 158, 2004
• "Dr Ploetz has performed a most valuable service in bringing together a team of distinguished contributors and you certainly can't fault his book on its comprehensiveness."
Stefan Buczacki, Mycological Research, 109 (3), 2005
Main Contents
128 colour plates; 102 line figures; 137 halftones
• Common pathogens of tropical fruit crops, R C Ploetz, T-K Lim, AFFA, Australia and J A Menge, University of California, USA
• Diseases of atemoya, cherimoya, soursop, sugar apple and related crops, R C Ploetz
• Diseases of avocado, J A Menge, University of California, USA and R C Ploetz
• Diseases of banana and plantain, R C Ploetz, J E Thomas, Queensland Horticulture Institute, Australia and W Slabaugh, Agraquest Inc., Idaho, USA
• Diseases of breadfruit, jackfruit and related crops, S Sangchote, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand, J G Wright, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji and G I Johnson, ACIAR, Canberra, Australia
• Diseases of carambola, S Muid, Universiti Malaysia, Sarawak, Malaysia, R C Ploetz and A W Cooke, Queensland Horticulture Institute, Australia
• Diseases of citrus, L W Timmer, S M Garnsey, University of Florida, USA and P Broadbent, Elizabeth Macarthur Agricultural Institute, Australia
• Diseases of coconut, N A Harrison, University of Florida, USA and P Jones, Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden, UK
• Diseases of date, R C Ploetz, H Ohr, University of California, USA, J Carpenter, USDA Date and Citrus Experiment Station, California, USA and Y Pinkas, ARO, The Volcani Center, Israel
• Diseases of durian, T-K Lim, AFFA, Australia and S Sanchote, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
• Diseases of fig, T J Michailides, University of California, USA
• Diseases of guava, T-K Lim, AFFA, Australia, and B Manicom, Institute of Tropical and Subtropical Crops, South Africa
• Diseases of kiwifruit, B Latorre, Pontificia Universidad, Chile and H Pak, Horticulture and Food Research Institute of New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand
• Diseases of lychee, longan and rambutan, L M Coates, Queensland Horticulture Institute, Australia, S Sangchote, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand, G I Johnson, ACIAR, Canberra, Australia and C Sittigul, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
• Diseases of mango, R C Ploetz
• Diseases of mangosteen, T-K Lim, AFFA, Australia and S Sanchote, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
• Diseases of papaya, D Persley, Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Australia and R C Ploetz
• Diseases of passion fruit, A de Goes, Campus Jaboticabal, Brazil, B Manicom, Institute of Tropical and Subtropical Crops, South Africa, R C Ploetz and C Ruggiero, Campus Jaboticabal, Brazil
• Diseases of pineapple, K G Rohrbach and D Schmitt, University of Hawaii, USA
• Future outlook, R C Ploetz and L W Timmer, University of Florida, USA
Addendum I. Microbe authorities and synonyms
Addendum II. Plant common names, taxa and authorities
Addendum III. Insect and acarid common names and authorities
• Index