Compendium of Rice Diseases
International in scope, this compendium pulls together hard-to-find information on more than 75 diseases and disorders.
Introduction; The Rice Plant; Diseases of Rice; Part 1: Biotic Diseases; Bacterial Diseases; Seedling, Sheath, and Grain Diseases; Seedling Disease; Seedling Blight, Bacterial Brown Stripe; Leaf Sheath and Grain Diseases; Sheath Brown Rot, Sheath Rot, Grain Rot, Bacterial Palea Browning; Foliar Diseases; Bacterial Blight, Bacterial Leaf Streak, Halo Blight; Culm and Root Diseases; Foot Rot; Fungal Diseases; Seedling Diseases; Water Mold, Seedling Blight, Seed Box Diseases; Foliar Diseases; Blast, Brown Spot, Leaf Scald, Narrow Brown Leaf Spot, Stackburn, Leaf Smut, Eyespot, Downy Mildew, White Leaf Streak, Collar Rot, Rusts; Leaf Sheath and Culm Diseases; Stem Rot, Sheath Blight, Sheath Spot, Aggregate Sheath Spot, Sheath Net Blotch, Sheath Rot, Crown Sheath Rot, Myrothecium Blotch, Sheath Blotch; Root and Crown Diseases; Bakanae, Feeder Root Necrosis and Root Rot; Grain Diseases; False Smut, Kernel Smut, Udbatta, Glume Blight, Scab, Black Kernel, Minute Leaf and Grain Spot, Red Blotch of Grains, Grain Discoloration, Ear Blight; Obscure Fungal Diseases of the Foliage and Glumes; Diseases Caused by Viruses and Mycoplasmalike Organisms; Virus Diseases; Black-Streaked Dwarf, Bunchy Stunt, Dwarf, Gall Dwarf, Giallume, Grassy Stunt, Hoja Blanca, Necrosis Mosaic, Ragged Stunt, Stripe, Stripe Necrosis, Transitory Yellowing, Tungro and Waika, Yellow Mottle, Minor Virus Diseases; Diseases Caused by Mycoplasmalike Organisms; Orange Leaf, Yellow Dwarf; Diseases Caused by Viruslike Agents; Chlorotic Streak, Crinkle, Wrinkled Stunt and Witches'-Broom; Diseases Caused by Nematodes; White Tip, Ufra, Rice-Root Nematodes, Root-Knot Nematodes, Cyst Nematodes, Other Nematodes; Part 2: Abiotic Diseases and Disorders; Akiochi (Hydrogen Sulfide Toxicity); Akegare (Organic Acids and Toxic Gases; Straighthead; Nutrient Deficiencies and Toxicities; Nutrient Deficiencies Causing Color Change in Young Leaves, Nutrient Deficiencies and Toxicities Causing Color Change in Older Leaves; Herbicide Injury; Glossary; Index; Color Plates