Biotechnology and Sustainable Development: Voices of the South and North
Research workers in biotechnology and agricultural development studies
Main Description
This book had its genesis in Alexandria, Egypt in March 2002 at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, when the new library hosted a conference on Biotechnology and Sustainable Development: Voices of the South and North. Here, a group of modern scholars met to review the state of the art in relation to the applications of biosciences in human health, food and agriculture and the environment, and address the ethical, institutional, regulatory and socio-economic issues that affect their use. The goal was to identify ways and means by which the new life sciences could be mobilized in the service of humanity and especially to improve the livelihoods of poor people.
• "The book is highly recommended reading for scientists and interested laymen alike".
G Hahne, Experimental Agriculture, 40, 2004
• "This is a good book to dip into for insights into a variety of biotechnology science and policy-related topics.
Julie Hill, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy Management
Main Contents
Part I: Overview
• Alexandria renaissance: The new life sciences and society, G J Persley and I Serageldin
Part II: The New Life Science and Sustainable Development
• Science and the poor, I Serageldin
• Biotechnology and the war on poverty, G Conway, The Rockefeller Foundation, New York, USA
• Biotechnology and its application in agriculture and food production: The Egyptian experience, M A Madkour, Agriculture Genetic Engineering Research Institute, Cairo, Egypt
• Biotechnology: The next wave of innovation technologies for sustainable development, D J Johnston, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, France
• Sustainable food security: Role of the private sector, K M Leisinger, Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development, Switzerland
• Where the biotechnology industry is heading, S Riisgaard, Novozymes, Bagsvaerd, Denmark
Part III: The New Life Sciences for Food and Agriculture
• From molecular genetics to plants for the future, M Van Montagu, S Burssens and D de Oliveira, University of Gent, Belgium
• New biotechnology applications in fish, P R Gardiner, Li Sze Lim and G John, ICLARM (The World Fish Center), Malaysia
• Biotechnology and smallholder agriculture in sub-saharan Africa, E J Mukhwana, SACRED Africa, Kenya
• Biocontrol of potato bacterial wilt in Kenya, J Smith, CABI Bioscience, Egham, Surrey, UK, K Murimi, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Kenya, R Gouws, Agricultural Research Council, South Africa, G S Saddler, Scottish Agricultural Science Agency, Edinburgh, UK, A Trigalet, INRA/CNRS, France and S Simons, CAB International, Nairobi, Kenya
• Arid lands experience: Crop improvement in dry areas, A El-Beltagy, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria
• Intellectual property rights: Biotechnology and the gene revolution, J Dodds, Dodds and Associates Law Firm, Washington DC, USA
Part IV: The New Life Sciences for Human Health
• Post-genomic health advances and its implications in developing countries, E A Badr, Alexandria University, Egypt
• Novel approaches for vaccine development against trypanosomiasis in Africa, N B Murphy, Smurfit Institute of Genetics, Dublin, Ireland, D Nolan, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland and S J Black, University of Massachusetts, MA, USA
• Developing and marketing of a salmonella-specific DNA diagnostic kit in Southern Africa, J M Gopo, Ministry of Higher Education, Windhoek, Namibia, E Baros, CSIR Food Technology, South Africa and A A Ven Kent, Ministry of Higher Education, Windhoek, Namibia
• Globalization and access to biotechnology-derived health care products: A view from Egypt, M A Eldawy, University of Tanta, Egypt
• Prevention of human infectious diseases in developing countries, P Crooy, GSK Biologicals, Belgium
• International organizations and human health, H A Gezairy and A A Saleh, World Health Organization, Cairo, Egypt
• Biotechnology: Perspectives of civil society, M Gabr, Egyptian Red Crescent, Cairo, Egypt
Part V: The New Life Science for the Conservation of Natural Resources
• Biotechnology: Driven by profit or searching for a better environment? B Johnson, English Nature, Taunton, UK
• Adding value to Brazilian biodiversity through biotechnology, A P de Carvalho, Brazilian Association of Biotechnology Enterprises, Brazil
Part VI: The Safe Use of New Biotechnologies
• Scientific basis of biosafety risk assessments, K Ammann, Geobotanisches Institute, Bern, Switzerland
• Emerging regulatory regimes in South Africa, J A Thomson, University of Cape Town, South Africa
• International harmonization in biosafety: The OECD experience, M Oborne and P Kearns, OECD, Paris, France
Part VII: Public Perceptions
• Regulating agricultural biotechnology: A consumer perspective, G Jaffe, Center for Science in the Public Interest, Washington DC, USA
• Public concerns about biotechnology, T J Hoban, IV, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA
• Perception and acceptance of biotechnology in some developing countries, A Sasson, UNESCO, Paris, France
Part VIII: Toward New Partnerships
• New partnerships to raise universal consciousness in the life sciences, P Desmarescaux, Foundation Scientifique de Lyon et du Sud Est, France