This comprehensive text introduces students to the aquaculture industry. Every aspect of this growing field is covered, from history of aquaculture, descriptions of aquatic plants and animals and feeding to in-depth coverage of economics, marketing, management and diseases of aquatic animals and plants. AQUACULTURE SCIENCE, International Edition, addresses the latest production methods, species types, advances in technology, trends and statistics. The science of aquaculture, chemistry, biology, and anatomy and physiology, is stressed throughout to ensure that students understand the fundamental principles. A complete chapter offers detailed information on career opportunities in the aquaculture industry.
• Includes objectives, key words, and review questions to help students monitor their progress.
• Includes numerous illustrations to provide visual reinforcement.
• Provides a complete chapter on aquaculture career opportunities.
• Focuses on the science of aquaculture to provide students with a foundation of fundamental principles.
Table of Contents
1. Aquaculture Basics and History.
Introduction and Definitions. Historical Patterns and Practices. Aquaculture Activities. The Future of Aquaculture.
2. Aquatic Animals.
US Aquatic Animal Species. Common Characteristics of Aquatic Species. Structure and Functions of Aquatic Animals.
3. Marketing Aquaculture.
International Production. Consumption. Marketing Basics. Processing. Inspection.
4. Management Practices for Finfish.
Spawning. Sex Determination. Finfish. Controls. Genetics.
5. Recreational Fishing Industry.
Brief History of Recreational Fishing. Methods of Fishing. Types of Fish. Impact of Recreational Fishing. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Pacific Salmon.
6. Raising Ornamental Fish.
Sources of species. Specific Ornamental Fish. Florida Tropical Ornamental Fish Culture.
7. Management Practices for Crustaceans and Mollusks.
Culture Status. Other Commercial Species.
8. Management Practices for Alligators, Frogs and Plants.
Alligators. Frogs. Aquatic Plants.
9. Fundamentals of Nutrition in Aquaculture.
Nutrition of Fish.
10. Feeds and Feeding.
Diet Formulation and Processing. Feeding Aquatic Animals. Other Warmwater Fish. Time of First Feeding. Feed Calculations. Aquatic Plants.
11. Health of Aquatic Animals.
Health Management. Stress and Disease. Disease Resistance. Disease Types. Parasitic Diseases. Fungus. Bacterial Diseases. Viral Diseases. Noninfectious Diseases. Determining the Presence of Disease. Disease Treatment. Calculating Treatments. Immunization.
12. Water Requirements for Aquaculture.
Water Qualities, Measurements, and Alterations. Other Factors. Obtaining Water. Managing Water. Calculating Treatments. Disposing of Water.
13. Aquatic Structures and Equipment.
Ponds. Construction of Levee-Type Ponds. Raceways and Tanks. Cages and Pens. Other Major Equipment.
14. Aquariums.
Background. Fish for the Aquarium. Choosing and Establishing an Aquarium. Managing the Aquarium. Water Quality. Aquarium Checklist.
15. Recirculating Systems.
Background. System Design. System Management.
16. Sustainable Aquaculture and Aquaponics.
Attempts to Define Sustainable. Standards of Sustainable Aquaculture. Aquaponics. Sustainable Standards Score Card.
17. Aquaculture Business.
Counting the Cost. Managing the Business. Planning-The Secret of Business Success. Setting Goals for Business Management Decisions. Business and Risky Decisions. Business Structures. Records Improve Profitability. Using an Accounting System for Analysis. Computers and Management. Decisions. Obtaining Credit. Human Resources. Business Managers of Tomorrow.
18. Career Opportunities in Aquaculture.
General Skills and Knowledge. Intangible Skills. Entrepreneurship. Jobs in Aquaculture. Aquaculture Industry Supervised Agricultural Experience. Education and Experience. Identifying a Job. Getting a Job.