Agriculture as a Producer and Consumer of Energy
Advanced students, researchers and professionals in agricultural economics, policy and engineering, crop science, forestry and environment.
Main Description
In recent years there has been increasing concern about energy security in the developed world. This book explores agriculture's role as a producer and consumer of energy. Organized into two parts, the first section of the book examines the integration of biomass energy into energy systems, policy issues, and outlooks for energy production and consumption. The second section is a compendium of current research including: the economic viability of ethanol and biodiesel; energy conservation and efficiency in agriculture; new methods and technologies; and environmental impacts and considerations.
Main Contents
Part I: Survey of Current Knowledge
• Energy and Agriculture at the Crossroads of a New Future, K J Collins and J A Duffield
• Agriculture as a Producer of Energy, V R Eidman, University of Minnesota, USA
• Energy Consumption in US Agriculture, J A Miranowski, Iowa State University, USA
• Energy Systems Integration: Fitting Biomass Energy from Agriculture into US Energy Systems, O C Doering III, Purdue University, USA
• US Oil and Gas Markets: A Scenario for Future Strong Inter-fuel Competition, K J Lindemer, Irving Oil, Ltd, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA
Part II: Current Research about Agriculture and Energy
Section 1: The Economics of Ethanol and Biodiesel from Grain
• Dry-Grind Ethanol Plant Economics and Sensitivity, D G Tiffany, University of Minnesota, USA and V R Eidman
• An Econometric Analysis of the Impact of the Expansion in the US Production of Ethanol from Maize and Biodiesel from Soyabeans on Major Agricultural Variables, 2005-2015, J N Ferris and S V Joshi, Michigan State University, USA
• Ethanol Policies, Programs and Production in Canada, K K Klein, University of Lethbridge Canada, R Romain, M Olar and N Bergeron, Laval University, Canada
Section 2: The Economics of Ethanol from Lignocellulosic Sources
• Economic Analysis of Alternative Lignocellulosic Sources for Ethanol Production, B K Herbst, J L Outlaw, D P Anderson, M H Lau, S L Klose and M T Holtzapple, Texas A&M University, USA
• The Supply of Maize Stover in the Midwestern United States, R G Nelson, Kansas State University, USA, M E Walsh, University of Tennessee, USA, and J J Sheehan, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Colorado, USA
• Economic Modelling of a Lignocellulosic Biomass Biorefining Industry, F M Epplin, L D Mapemba, Oklahoma State University, USA, and G Tembo, Michigan State University’s Food Security Research Project, Lusaka, Zambia
• Economic Impacts of Ethanol Production from Maize Stover in Selected Midwestern States, B C English, R J Menard, D G De La Torre Ugarte and M E Walsh, University of Tennessee, USA
Section 3: Energy Conservation and Efficiency in Agriculture
• Livestock Watering with Renewable Energy Systems, R. N Clark and B D Vick, Agricultural Research Service, US Dept of Agriculture, Texas, USA
• Trends in US Poultry Housing for Energy Conservation, J W Worley, M M Czarick and B F Fairchild, University of Georgia, USA
Section 4: New Methods and Technologies
• Experiences Co-firing Grasses in Existing Coal-fired Power Plants, D Boylan, J Eastis, Southern Company, Birmingham, USA, K H Russell, Georgia Power Company, Albany, USA, S M Wilson, Southern Company, USA, and B R Zemo, Alabama Power Company, Gadsden, USA
• Animal Waste as a Source of Renewable Energy, S Priyadarsan, K Annamalai, B Thien, J Sweeten and S Mukhtar, Texas A&M University, USA
• Development of Genetically Engineered Stress Tolerant Ethanologenic Yeasts using Integrated Functional Genomics for Effective Biomass Conversion to Ethanol, Z L Liu and P J Slininger, Agricultural Research Service, US Dept of Agriculture, USA
• Case Studies of Rural Electric Cooperatives’ Experiences with Bioenergy, C E Whitman, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Arlington, USA
Section 5: Environmental Impacts and Considerations
• Potential for Biofuel-based Greenhouse Gas Emission Mitigation: Rationale and Potential, B A McCarl, Texas A&M University, USA, D Gillig, American Express Corporation, USA, H-C Lee, Nation Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan, M El-Halwagi, X Qin and G Cornforth, Texas A&M University, USA
• Life Cycle Assessment of Integrated Biorefinery-Cropping Systems: All Biomass is Local, S Kim and B E Dale, Michigan State University, USA
• Glossary