Agricultural Acarology: Introduction to Integrated Mite Management (Γεωργική ακαρολογία: Εισαγωγή στην ολοκληρωμένη αντιμετώπιση των ακάρεων - έκδοση στα αγγλικά)
Από: Marjorie A. Hoy
Agricultural Acarology: Introduction to Integrated Mite Management
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Κωδικός Προϊόντος | 005081 |
Κωδικός ISBN | 9781439817513 |
Εκδοτικός Οίκος | CRC |
Διαστάσεις | 18,3 X 25,7 |
Εξώφυλλο | Σκληρό |
Έτος έκδοσης | 2011 |
Σελίδες | 430 |
Συγγραφέας(εις) | Marjorie A. Hoy |
Agricultural Acarology: Introduction to Integrated Mite Management
• Focuses on mites of agricultural importance, elucidating the principles of integrated pest management
• Describes model systems for the use of IPM strategies in integrated mite management (IMM), including their relative advantages and limitations
• Offers specific steps in case studies for addressing the problem of pest mite damage to various crops
• Includes a CD with a wealth of color photographs that will assist in identifying plant-feeding mites and their natural enemies
• Instructs on the use of a hand lens and a dissecting microscope to identify the various life stages of plant pest mites and phytoseiids
• Provides key references to the literature so that interested students can obtain additional detailed information
• Discusses pesticide resistance in mites and the different management tools for detecting and delaying development of resistance
Written by a globally prominent entomologist, Agricultural Acarology: Introduction to Integrated Mite Management provides tools for developing integrated mite management programs for agriculture, including management of plant-feeding mites, mites attacking bees and livestock, and stored products. Emphasizing the biology, ecology, behavior, and diverse methods of controlling mites, this book provides an overview of the management of agriculturally important mites using all available Integrated Pest Management (IPM) tools, including biological control, cultural practices, host-plant resistance, and pesticides.
Agricultural Acarology prepares agricultural managers to identify, manage, and contribute to the field of Integrated Mite Management. An accompanying CD contains numerous color photographs of mites and the damage they cause, and PDFs of key publications.
Introduction to Acarology
General Introduction to Acarology
Selected References
Selected Websites Relevant to Acarology
The Relationship of Mites to Other Arthropods
Characteristics of the Arthropoda
Higher Classification of Mites
Selected References
Basic Structure and Function of Mites
Feeding and Food Types
Water Balance
Muscle System
The Nervous and Sensory Systems
The Circulatory System
Genetics and Sex Determination
Selected References
Collection, Identification and Culturing of Mites
Collection Goals
Collecting Plant-Feeding or Predatory Mites
Monitoring Vertebrates for Parasitic Mites and Ticks
Identification of Mites
Culturing Mites
Additional Acarological Information
Selected References
Integrated Mite Management Strategy and Tactics
The Strategy of Integrated Mite Management
Historical Overview
Classical, Augmentative, and Conservation Biological Control
Cultural Controls
Genetic Control
Chemical Control
Pesticide Resistance
Host-Plant Resistance
Sampling and Monitoring Methods
Crop Pest Control Consultants and Integrated Pest Management
Selected References
Pest Mites and Their Natural Enemies on Plants
Tetranychidae: Premier Plant Pests
Role of Silk
Population Dynamics
Tetranychid Anatomy
Selected Species of Plant Pests by Genus
Tetranychidae and Plant Diseases
Tetranychidae as Weed Control Agents
Host-Plant Resistance to Tetranychidae
Resistance to Host-Plant Resistance
Pesticide Resistance in Tetranychids
Selected References
The Tarsonemidae
Biology of the Plant-Feeding Tarsonemidae
Steneotarsonemus (or Phytonemus) pallidus
Polyphagotarsonemus (or Hemitarsonemus) latus
Other Pest Species of Tarsonemids
Selected References
The Eriophyoidea: The Good, the Bad, and the Unknown
Basic Biology
Vectors of Disease: Definitely Undesirable
Selected Eriophyoid Pests
Collecting and Sampling Eriophyoids
Eriophyoids as Alternative Prey: Potentially Good.
Invasive Eriophyoid Species: Clearly Bad
Biological Control of Weeds by Eriophyoid Mites: Potentially Good
Identification of Eriophyoids
Control of Eriophyoids
Selected References
The Tenuipalpidae (Flat or False Spider Mites) as Pests
Some Tenuipalpid Pests Around the World.
Transmission of Plant Diseases
Control of Tenuipalpids
Selected References
The Penthaleidae
Systematics and Distribution
Red-Legged Earth Mite (RLEM)
Blue Oat Mite (Penthaleus species)
Selected References
Friends or Foes?
The Anystidae: Friends of Limited Value.
The Hypoaspidae: Friends, Especially for Augmentative Releases.
The Tuckerellidae: Potential Pests Rarely Found Except in Tropical and Subtropical Climates
The Tydeidae: Mostly Friends as Predators, Alternative Prey, and Sanitizing Agents
The Acaridae: Usually Foes but Occasionally Beneficial?
The Hemisarcoptidae: Friends Requiring More Study
The Stigmaeidae: Friends, Especially in Unsprayed Orchards and Vineyards.
The Oribatida (Cryptostigmata): Usually Beneficial in the Soil but May Cause Crop Root Damage and Contaminate Foods
Selected References
The Phytoseiidae: Effective Natural Enemies
General Biology
Phytoseiid Systematics
Phytoseiids in Augmentative Biological Control Programs
Life-Table Analyses of Phytoseiids
Prey-Location Behavior
Plant-Emitted Volatiles and Biological Control.
Pesticide Resistances in Phytoseiids
Genetic Improvement of Phytoseiids
Rearing Methods for Spider Mites and Phytoseiids
Selected References
Predatory Insects and Plant-Feeding Mites
Insects as Predators of Plant-Feeding Mites: Pros and Cons
Family Coccinellidae (Order Coleoptera): Stethorus Are Mite Specialists
Family Staphylinidae (Order Coleoptera): Oligota Species May Be Useful Predators of Spider Mites
Order Thysanoptera (Phlaeothripidae, Asolothripidae, Thripidae): Thrips May Be Generalists or Specialists (Six-Spotted Thrips)
Heteroptera (Hemiptera: True Bugs): Generalist
Predators of Small Arthropods, Including Mites.
Cecidomyiidae (Order Diptera): Feltiella Species Can Be Effective Predators of Spider Mites
Order Neuroptera (Chrysopidae, Coniopterigidae, Hemerobiidae): Generalist Predators That May Sometimes Feed on Mites
Ants as Predators of T. urticae
Spiders as Predators of Mites and Ticks: Less Well Studied
Selected References
Pathogens and Symbionts of Mites and Ticks
Microbial Symbionts and Pathogens
Viruses of Mites and Ticks
Fungal Pathogens
Microsporidial Pathogens.
Commercialization of Microbial Pesticides.
Selected References
Exemplars of Integrated Mite Management Programs for Plant-Feeding Mites
Classical Biological Control of the Cassava Green Mite in Africa
Steps in a Classical Biological Control Program
Cassava Green Mite (Mononychellus tanajoa) in Africa.
Control Measures Attempted
Risk Evaluation for Classical Biological Control
Taxonomic Problems
Why Not Use African Phytoseiids as Natural Enemies?
Program Costs and Benefits
Selected References
Integrated Mite Management in Washington Apple Orchards
The Apple Ecosystem.
Mites on Apples
IMM from the 1960s to the Early 1990s
Problems with IMM in the 1990s
Current and Future Changes to IMM in Washington Apple Orchards.
Selected References
Integrated Mite Management in California Almonds
Almonds in California
Pest Mites in California Almond Orchards.
Research on Control Tactics
Combined Tactics of the IMM Program
Updated Almond Pest Management Program
Selected References
Integrated Mite Management in Citrus in Florida and California
Citrus Production in Florida and California
Diversity in California Climates and Mite Species.
Managing Mites in Florida Citrus Groves
Research Needs
Selected References
Managing Mites on Ornamental Plants
Types of Ornamental Plants.
Tactics for Managing Pests of Ornamentals
Mites on Ornamental Plants
Predatory Mite Release Methods in Greenhouses
The Future of Pest Management in Greenhouse Ornamentals
Selected References
Soil Mites and Agriculture
Pest Mites of Honey Bees
Varroa jacobsoni
Biology and Taxonomy
Monitoring for Varroa
Control of Varroa
Integrated Varroa Management.
Selected References
Tracheal Mite (Acarapis woodi)
Integrated Control of Acarapis woodi
Selected References
Parasitic Mites of Mammals and Birds
Ticks (Argasidae and Ixodidae)
Ticks as Pests
Biology of the Ixodidae
Genera of the Ixodidae
Biology of the Argasidae
Pest Management of Ticks
Selected References
Pest Mites of Farm and Companion Animals
Poultry Red Mite or Roost Mite, Dermanyssus gallinae (Dermanyssidae)
European or Northern Fowl Mite, Ornithonyssus sylviarum (Macronyssidae).
Tropical Fowl Mite, Ornithonyssus bursa (Macronyssidae)
Chiggers (Actinedida: Trombiculidae)
Follicle Mites, Demodex (Actinedida: Demodicidae).
Straw- or Hay-Itch Mites, Pyemotes (Actinedida: Pyemotidae)
Fur Mites, Cheyletiella (Actinedida: Cheyletiellidae)
Acaridid Mites as Parasites or Scavengers
Endoparasites of Livestock
Selected References
Pest Mites of Stored Products and Households
Post-Harvest Pest Mites
Acarine Pests of Stored Foods
Control of Mites in Stored Grains and Other Foods
Stored Bulb Mites and Their Control
Selected References
Dust Mites (Pyroglyphidae)
The Importance of Dust Mites
Species of Dust Mites.
Biology of Dust Mites
Integrated Management of Dust Mites and Their Allergens
Selected References
Some General Conclusions About Integrated Mite Management
• Focuses on mites of agricultural importance, elucidating the principles of integrated pest management
• Describes model systems for the use of IPM strategies in integrated mite management (IMM), including their relative advantages and limitations
• Offers specific steps in case studies for addressing the problem of pest mite damage to various crops
• Includes a CD with a wealth of color photographs that will assist in identifying plant-feeding mites and their natural enemies
• Instructs on the use of a hand lens and a dissecting microscope to identify the various life stages of plant pest mites and phytoseiids
• Provides key references to the literature so that interested students can obtain additional detailed information
• Discusses pesticide resistance in mites and the different management tools for detecting and delaying development of resistance
Written by a globally prominent entomologist, Agricultural Acarology: Introduction to Integrated Mite Management provides tools for developing integrated mite management programs for agriculture, including management of plant-feeding mites, mites attacking bees and livestock, and stored products. Emphasizing the biology, ecology, behavior, and diverse methods of controlling mites, this book provides an overview of the management of agriculturally important mites using all available Integrated Pest Management (IPM) tools, including biological control, cultural practices, host-plant resistance, and pesticides.
Agricultural Acarology prepares agricultural managers to identify, manage, and contribute to the field of Integrated Mite Management. An accompanying CD contains numerous color photographs of mites and the damage they cause, and PDFs of key publications.
Introduction to Acarology
General Introduction to Acarology
Selected References
Selected Websites Relevant to Acarology
The Relationship of Mites to Other Arthropods
Characteristics of the Arthropoda
Higher Classification of Mites
Selected References
Basic Structure and Function of Mites
Feeding and Food Types
Water Balance
Muscle System
The Nervous and Sensory Systems
The Circulatory System
Genetics and Sex Determination
Selected References
Collection, Identification and Culturing of Mites
Collection Goals
Collecting Plant-Feeding or Predatory Mites
Monitoring Vertebrates for Parasitic Mites and Ticks
Identification of Mites
Culturing Mites
Additional Acarological Information
Selected References
Integrated Mite Management Strategy and Tactics
The Strategy of Integrated Mite Management
Historical Overview
Classical, Augmentative, and Conservation Biological Control
Cultural Controls
Genetic Control
Chemical Control
Pesticide Resistance
Host-Plant Resistance
Sampling and Monitoring Methods
Crop Pest Control Consultants and Integrated Pest Management
Selected References
Pest Mites and Their Natural Enemies on Plants
Tetranychidae: Premier Plant Pests
Role of Silk
Population Dynamics
Tetranychid Anatomy
Selected Species of Plant Pests by Genus
Tetranychidae and Plant Diseases
Tetranychidae as Weed Control Agents
Host-Plant Resistance to Tetranychidae
Resistance to Host-Plant Resistance
Pesticide Resistance in Tetranychids
Selected References
The Tarsonemidae
Biology of the Plant-Feeding Tarsonemidae
Steneotarsonemus (or Phytonemus) pallidus
Polyphagotarsonemus (or Hemitarsonemus) latus
Other Pest Species of Tarsonemids
Selected References
The Eriophyoidea: The Good, the Bad, and the Unknown
Basic Biology
Vectors of Disease: Definitely Undesirable
Selected Eriophyoid Pests
Collecting and Sampling Eriophyoids
Eriophyoids as Alternative Prey: Potentially Good.
Invasive Eriophyoid Species: Clearly Bad
Biological Control of Weeds by Eriophyoid Mites: Potentially Good
Identification of Eriophyoids
Control of Eriophyoids
Selected References
The Tenuipalpidae (Flat or False Spider Mites) as Pests
Some Tenuipalpid Pests Around the World.
Transmission of Plant Diseases
Control of Tenuipalpids
Selected References
The Penthaleidae
Systematics and Distribution
Red-Legged Earth Mite (RLEM)
Blue Oat Mite (Penthaleus species)
Selected References
Friends or Foes?
The Anystidae: Friends of Limited Value.
The Hypoaspidae: Friends, Especially for Augmentative Releases.
The Tuckerellidae: Potential Pests Rarely Found Except in Tropical and Subtropical Climates
The Tydeidae: Mostly Friends as Predators, Alternative Prey, and Sanitizing Agents
The Acaridae: Usually Foes but Occasionally Beneficial?
The Hemisarcoptidae: Friends Requiring More Study
The Stigmaeidae: Friends, Especially in Unsprayed Orchards and Vineyards.
The Oribatida (Cryptostigmata): Usually Beneficial in the Soil but May Cause Crop Root Damage and Contaminate Foods
Selected References
The Phytoseiidae: Effective Natural Enemies
General Biology
Phytoseiid Systematics
Phytoseiids in Augmentative Biological Control Programs
Life-Table Analyses of Phytoseiids
Prey-Location Behavior
Plant-Emitted Volatiles and Biological Control.
Pesticide Resistances in Phytoseiids
Genetic Improvement of Phytoseiids
Rearing Methods for Spider Mites and Phytoseiids
Selected References
Predatory Insects and Plant-Feeding Mites
Insects as Predators of Plant-Feeding Mites: Pros and Cons
Family Coccinellidae (Order Coleoptera): Stethorus Are Mite Specialists
Family Staphylinidae (Order Coleoptera): Oligota Species May Be Useful Predators of Spider Mites
Order Thysanoptera (Phlaeothripidae, Asolothripidae, Thripidae): Thrips May Be Generalists or Specialists (Six-Spotted Thrips)
Heteroptera (Hemiptera: True Bugs): Generalist
Predators of Small Arthropods, Including Mites.
Cecidomyiidae (Order Diptera): Feltiella Species Can Be Effective Predators of Spider Mites
Order Neuroptera (Chrysopidae, Coniopterigidae, Hemerobiidae): Generalist Predators That May Sometimes Feed on Mites
Ants as Predators of T. urticae
Spiders as Predators of Mites and Ticks: Less Well Studied
Selected References
Pathogens and Symbionts of Mites and Ticks
Microbial Symbionts and Pathogens
Viruses of Mites and Ticks
Fungal Pathogens
Microsporidial Pathogens.
Commercialization of Microbial Pesticides.
Selected References
Exemplars of Integrated Mite Management Programs for Plant-Feeding Mites
Classical Biological Control of the Cassava Green Mite in Africa
Steps in a Classical Biological Control Program
Cassava Green Mite (Mononychellus tanajoa) in Africa.
Control Measures Attempted
Risk Evaluation for Classical Biological Control
Taxonomic Problems
Why Not Use African Phytoseiids as Natural Enemies?
Program Costs and Benefits
Selected References
Integrated Mite Management in Washington Apple Orchards
The Apple Ecosystem.
Mites on Apples
IMM from the 1960s to the Early 1990s
Problems with IMM in the 1990s
Current and Future Changes to IMM in Washington Apple Orchards.
Selected References
Integrated Mite Management in California Almonds
Almonds in California
Pest Mites in California Almond Orchards.
Research on Control Tactics
Combined Tactics of the IMM Program
Updated Almond Pest Management Program
Selected References
Integrated Mite Management in Citrus in Florida and California
Citrus Production in Florida and California
Diversity in California Climates and Mite Species.
Managing Mites in Florida Citrus Groves
Research Needs
Selected References
Managing Mites on Ornamental Plants
Types of Ornamental Plants.
Tactics for Managing Pests of Ornamentals
Mites on Ornamental Plants
Predatory Mite Release Methods in Greenhouses
The Future of Pest Management in Greenhouse Ornamentals
Selected References
Soil Mites and Agriculture
Pest Mites of Honey Bees
Varroa jacobsoni
Biology and Taxonomy
Monitoring for Varroa
Control of Varroa
Integrated Varroa Management.
Selected References
Tracheal Mite (Acarapis woodi)
Integrated Control of Acarapis woodi
Selected References
Parasitic Mites of Mammals and Birds
Ticks (Argasidae and Ixodidae)
Ticks as Pests
Biology of the Ixodidae
Genera of the Ixodidae
Biology of the Argasidae
Pest Management of Ticks
Selected References
Pest Mites of Farm and Companion Animals
Poultry Red Mite or Roost Mite, Dermanyssus gallinae (Dermanyssidae)
European or Northern Fowl Mite, Ornithonyssus sylviarum (Macronyssidae).
Tropical Fowl Mite, Ornithonyssus bursa (Macronyssidae)
Chiggers (Actinedida: Trombiculidae)
Follicle Mites, Demodex (Actinedida: Demodicidae).
Straw- or Hay-Itch Mites, Pyemotes (Actinedida: Pyemotidae)
Fur Mites, Cheyletiella (Actinedida: Cheyletiellidae)
Acaridid Mites as Parasites or Scavengers
Endoparasites of Livestock
Selected References
Pest Mites of Stored Products and Households
Post-Harvest Pest Mites
Acarine Pests of Stored Foods
Control of Mites in Stored Grains and Other Foods
Stored Bulb Mites and Their Control
Selected References
Dust Mites (Pyroglyphidae)
The Importance of Dust Mites
Species of Dust Mites.
Biology of Dust Mites
Integrated Management of Dust Mites and Their Allergens
Selected References
Some General Conclusions About Integrated Mite Management
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Σχετικές κατηγορίες
Κωδικός Προϊόντος | 005081 |
Κωδικός ISBN | 9781439817513 |
Εκδοτικός Οίκος | CRC |
Διαστάσεις | 18,3 X 25,7 |
Εξώφυλλο | Σκληρό |
Έτος έκδοσης | 2011 |
Σελίδες | 430 |
Συγγραφέας(εις) | Marjorie A. Hoy |
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