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Planting the Dry Shade Garden (Κήπος στη σκιά - έκδοση στα αγγλικά)

Planting the Dry Shade Garden (Κήπος στη σκιά - έκδοση στα αγγλικά)

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CODE: 010190

Price: 35,00
Graham Rice


Planting the Dry Shade Garden
The Best Plants for the Toughest Spot in Your Garden

Author: Graham Rice
ISBN: 9781604691870
Pages: 193
Format: 19 Χ 23
Binding: Paperback
Pub. Year: 2011

Dry shade: the words alone are enough to strike fear in the heart of the most intrepid gardener. Even worse is the reality of dry shade — dusty, root-choked soil coupled with an all-pervasive gloom, the kind of conditions where large trees or sun-blocking structures wreak havoc on your gardening space.
By understanding the problem, and then using techniques to take the edge off drought and poor light, you can garden successfully — even splendidly — in areas that once looked like a lost horticultural cause.
In this book you'll discover how to prune selectively to admit more light and how to fix the soil so that it holds more water. You'll also learn about more than 130 plants that do fine with reduced light and moisture levels—long-blooming woodland gems like epimediums and hellebores, and even lush foliage plants like evergreen ferns and bear's breeches. Shrubs, climbers, perennials, ground covers, bulbs, annuals, and perennials — here is an entire palette to help you transform challenging spaces into rich, rewarding gardens.

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