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Pests, Diseases and Disorders of Peas and Beans: Colour Handbook

Pests and Diseases of Peas and Beans: Colour Handbook (Έχθροι και ασθένειες αρακά και φασολιών - έκδοση στα αγγλικά)

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CODE: 008243

Price: 62,54
Anthony Biddle, Nigel D. Cattlin


Pests, Diseases and Disorders of Peas and Beans: Colour Handbook

Author: Anthony Biddle, Nigel D. Cattlin
ISBN: 9781840760187
Pages: 160
Format: 20 Χ 26
Binding: Hardback
Pub. Year: 2007

Covering the most important pathogens, this handbook provides clear, concise descriptions of the symptoms and cycles of diseases, their distribution and economic importance and advice on their control. The text is illustrated with over 300 superb colour photographs of affected crops to aid in the rapid identification of disease. The book also includes 'pest profiles' that identify with the use of colour photographs, the pests that commonly prey on pea and bean crops.


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